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michael anderson

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Image Comments posted by michael anderson



    Sunrise in the surreal dunes and lakes of Lencois Maranhenses,

    Brazil. This is one of the most unique,empty and unknown

    wilderness areas in the world.

  1. The dunes of Lencois Maranhenses are like nature's canvas- the golden white sands reflect the full spectrum of sunset colors into the watery atmosphere, intensifying and bathing the scene in dazzling light like nowhere else I've ever seen.  There are a few rare places on earth that have just the right atmospheric conditions to create extraordinary light; Patagonia, the high altitude Himalaya, the white granite walls of Yosemite- but this little known corner of the world, empty and quiet,  just might have the best atmospheric conditions of them all.

    Dali's Lagoon


    Lencois Maranhenses Sand Dunes, Brazil.


    A stormy twilight illuminates the surreal landscape of the Lencois

    Maranhenses. This was taken half way through my barefoot multi-day

    trek across the dunes. This is one of the most unique and spectacular

    landscapes I've ever seen; a shining emerald in Brazil's National Park

    system. This scene reminds me of the some of Salvador Dali's

    surrealistic paintings. It was pure magic to stand there alone in the

    gentle breeze and silence and watch the pastel colors fade into the

    black of night.

  2. Sunset light is filtered through the heavy mist of Iguazu Falls, one of the

    seven wonders of the world. My photos of Iguazu Falls don't do justice

    to the experience of being there, feeling the ground rumbling, the warm

    spray raining down, watching the light rays dance in the mist. It's pure

    majesty! Thanks for any commentary or critique!

    The Inside



    I love the top part of this image- that part truly captures the deep, dark canyon sensation that is paradoxically lit with areas of glowing light.  I'm not as psyched about the blue water- it seems like it would be more white in real life, even though I know film and digital see colors the eye cannot.  I just wonder how this would look with the blues toned down just a bit, or left to the darker margins of the water flow rather than the heart of the white water.  Just an observation...



    SingSing Tambaran


    'Sing Sing Tambaran' means 'Dance of the Spirits' in Tok Pisin (Talk

    Pidgin), the language of Papua New Guinea. This was an impromptu

    celebration on the beach at Tsoi Lik Lagoon in the exotically remote

    Lavongai Islands.

  3. A lone starfish shines in the late afternoon light of Tsoi Lik lagoon,

    Papua New Guinea. The Tsoi Islands are a secret South Pacific

    paradise with spectacular white sand beaches surrounding a stunning

    turquise lagoon. Thanks for looking!



    Iguazu Falls in full flood after the heaviest rainfall in 25 years. This was

    taken from a platform on the Brazil side that takes you out to an island

    in the throat of the falls in an area you could never reach by foot. It's not

    exactly wilderness here, but the sheer power, sound and feel of the

    water puts it near the top of all the natural spectacles I've ever


    The Lost City


    The warm rays of sunrise begin to burn off the morning fog over the lost

    city of Machu Picchu, Peru. This was the first day in nearly 4 months

    that the park had received any visitors after disastrous floods in the

    winter. This is a fairly standard composition, but the light was pretty

    special... Thanks for looking!

    Fire and Ice


    A fiery sunset illuminates the cold icebergs of Laguna Torre, one of the

    most beautiful lakes in all of Patagonia.


    Thanks for any critiques and commentary.



    Fire Falls




    This is FANTASTIC!  Incredible scene perfectly composed and the story of your pre-visualization of the image makes it all even more compelling.  I can see how you would want to go back to fine tune your vision, but this is already a home run!





    The most spectacular sunset I've seen in a couple years unfolded after a

    cold, rainy and windy day in Patagonia. As tempting as it can be, you

    can't hole up in bad weather in Patagonia or you will miss the

    spectacular light. The sensor of my 5D Mk II could barely handle the full

    color spectrum and intensity of this sunset. I actually had to DE-

    saturate the sky slightly to keep the yellows in check.


    Thanks for all of the supportive commentary and critique on my last

    post. I really appreciate it!

    Hidden Falls



    I used a 2 stop hard graduated neutral density filter to keep the foreground and background in check.  Other than cloning a water spot out of the sky, I didn't have to do hardly any other adjustments- it looked this nice out of the box.

    Hidden Falls


    I could hear falling water in the distance so I decided to hike cross

    country down to a canyon away from the trail to Fitzroy basecamp.

    When I got down to the river, I found this beautiful series of cascades

    rimmed with fresh ice after a cold autumn night. A few days later I got

    up at 3am and planned to hike solo back to this location for sunrise. As

    I came around a bend in the trail, my headlamp illuminated the eyes of

    a crouching puma, only a few feet away next to the trail. I was alone, it

    was pitch black, and the body language of the puma convinced me to

    slowly back away and abandon my plans for sunrise...

  4. A powerful thunderstorm darkens the sky over the dunes of Lencois

    Maranhenses National Park. I spent three days trekking barefoot fifty

    miles across the dunes in May, 2010. The drenching rains from

    powerful equatorial thunderstorms fill the depressions in the dunefield

    with crystalline fresh water lakes which makes the area unique among

    the great landscapes of the world.

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