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Posts posted by carnalog

  1. I see now, problably why I could not figure out why there is so little info about it heheh :o. Thanks for the

    swift help! Yes the 40/2.0 Ive looked at, even touched it, it feels nice, but right now I need something

    with a wee bit more angle.


    Besides Zeiss that might be to much on my wallet, any other candidates as wide-angle to the D3?

  2. I wound�t dare putting a chip into mine :) Maybe if I had a spare one! Will you post an update of the project on your

    site, it would be most interesting to read about the outcome!


    I can honestly say that its been my single best investment among my lenses. I�ve sold my old 60 mm macro aswell

    as my 105 mm vr and the sigma 150 mm macro since the voightl�er. I got it for 8500Skr (6800 exkl. vat) in

    my opinion is a real bargain.


    One thing though on the D3 is that non-cpu lenses can only be put in (mm) ..., 105, 135, 180, ... I ask nikon if it

    could be resolved in a firmware update but I guess there is no nikon 125 so they might not be enough interested. But

    what does that mean in a tecnical/practical term? ( I�ve set mine to 135mm after consulting the d3 manual).


    Where do I buy blue Loktite, dare I apply that myself?



  3. # Bjorn. I agree and the hood has stayed on since day one. But the screws keep the silvery outer ring on place who keep the hood still. Then they started to move so did the hood and the hole keep kind of jangeled which gave this noise and unwanted movement. Ive tightened them now and we�ll see how long they will stay put. Plan B will be Loctite!


    Btw, thank you for the wonderful site you have, I can�t stress enough how much use I have of it!



  4. I have recently bought a brand new Voighl�er 125mm macro for my D3. I was lucky and found it in a store that

    didn�t have it up for sale.


    A wonderful lens in every sens but on the front there are 3 screws that eventually after a month of use unscrewed

    them selfs making it virtually impossible to remove the sun hood since it has to be forced towards the lens to enable

    me to take it off. I had to force the outer ring outwards and at the same time force the hood hood inwards to unlock it

    and found the 3 screws almost falling off. I didn�t noticed this since the hood has been on from day one but the ring

    became abit loose after a while and sounded a bit. I can�t really explain better my english sucks and I know its quite

    an exotic lens but has someone experienced something similar. I have now tightened the screws and hopefully they

    will stay in place. Right now it just still, non-jangling and just beautiful.


    I love my voightl�er. Thinking of making it a tatoo on my body but if the screws will cause this jangling-problem I

    will cry blood!




    "Ellis Venerphoto.net hero, Mar 07, 2007; 10:45 p.m.


    Nikon did not produce the rumored D3xat PMA 2007. Nikon owning self haters flagellate themselves one more time for being taken in by false rumors posted on some guys website.


    Here's a reality check: Nikon has no intentions of producing a camera with a 24x36mm sensor. Never. Ever."


    L O L


    Im gonna wait, hopefully not in vain for the x version, 18Mp???

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