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Posts posted by jelite

  1. Nikon is coming out with a new 70-200mm 2.8 zoom with the update VR and new Nano Crystal Coat. I was going to buy the gray lens from b&h but when I heard Nikon was coming out with this new lens at the end of the month I figure I better wait. But of course this is just a rumor. :~P
  2. you might want to dump the 18-70mm f 3.5-4.5 and get 28-70 2.8 I tend to use this lens the most when shooting weddings. fast glass is a must for shooting weddings in low light.



  3. Rock Star is great I love the new site from Blu. Good thing they limit the amount of templets per state. You did a good job on your site the music I feel takes away from the mood when viewing your photographs. I would change it. But what do I know...lol

    Just my 2c.

  4. I started a small wedding photography business two years ago. I have placed

    business cards in local bridal shops, I sent out information about my services

    to local churches and follow up with phone calls with no luck, most church?s

    tell me they have a wedding photographer. I can't seem to generate any

    customers. No one is calling; I can't afford the $1,000 -$1600 to enter bridal

    shows and was told that?s not a grantee for clients. I know word of mouth is

    the best way but when you don't have a customer base what do you do? Please



    Additional Details:

    My first year in business around January I put out brochures in one bridal

    store and from Jan. to March I received about 15 calls but the brides said my

    prices were too high. They wanted to only spend $400.00 and below. One bride

    wanted me to shoot her wedding for only $200.00.Needless to say I didn't take

    those weddings. I later found out that this shop catered to brides on a tight

    budget. (These are not my target customers)

    I have shot 9 weddings in the past two years I will have a web site up at the

    end of the month.

    1.How do I let brides know I exists?

    2.What are the most cost effective and successful ways to advertise?

    3.I have spoke to some local wedding photographer's who say they don't

    advertise at all and are doing well. I just don't see how that is possible?


    Thank you in advance for any feedback

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