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Posts posted by lee_copp

  1. <p >This shot was taken at my first wedding assignment last August. Both the bride & groom (a nephew) were keen to have someone they knew taking their photographs. The day itself started out disastrously with me having to get dressed for the wedding in the Registry office car park 15 minutes before the ceremony itself & then to make matters worse realising that I had left behind my wedding photo list that I had discussed earlier with the bride & groom!</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >By the time we got to the reception I was feeling more at ease & I soon got into that place where as a photographer you feel almost invisible as you become more & more absorbed in what you are doing - in this case recording a special event.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >I came across this shot by chance - the bride was engaged in a conversation with her father who was studying a piece of paper. I personally like this image because a.) it was a natural, un-posed shot that I literally stumbled upon & b.) displays - I think - a brief but rather touching, intimate moment between that of a daughter on her very special day with her father. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Taken with a relatively slow zoom lens & being indoors (& having no flash) I had to push the ISO up a bit to keep down camera shake. Post production wise I only use Lightroom - the image has been cropped & I used (for the first time) a third party Lightroom preset. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Oh, yes, shock, horror it was taken as a jpeg too…</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Camera: Nikon D50</p>

    <p >Lens: Nikon 70-300mm AF G 4.0/5.6</p>

    <p >Meter: Matrix</p>

    <p >Speed/aperture: 1/125, f4.2</p>

    <p >ISO: 800</p><div>00Vjdw-219211884.jpg.71ee15c2d62fcad56f7754b4d059133d.jpg</div>

  2. <p>AS usual a great response - thanks very much. I think I will contact the magazine as Ben suggests for further clarification as they will only recieive images on a CD (no emailing facility) & they will not enter into any correspondance either. They say if you have not heard anything within 10 weeks then you have been 'unsuccessful this time.' But if I don't hear anything then I will not know whether it was down to the image content itself or the image quality.</p>
  3. <p>I want submit some b&w images to a magazine that require CMYK TIFF at 300dpi & MAC compatible files. I use Lightroom (2.6) that does not have a CMYK TIFF export option (I'm assuming that the TIFF option is not the same as CMYK TIFF.) I have access to Photo Shop 4 not sure how best to achieve what is required. My original images are RAW format. Any advice on the steps I should take would be greatfully received.<br>


    Lee </p>

  4. <p>Just spotted this question - it caught my eye as I upgrded from a D50 to a D90 at Christmas, am also a user of Lightroom (2.6) & in addition to this I have a wedding to cover in May! However that said though I have not used my new D90 as much as I would like I have - so far - been perfectly happy with my RAW shots & they require just the basic tweaks in Lightroom that I did with my D50 images.</p>
  5. Question - I have (& love) a Nikon D50 with the original kit lens. I have been planning to buy the Nikkor 12 - 24 lens

    (approx 640 pounds) for landscape purposes but have just been informed of a collegue who is selling a nearly new

    D200 (body only) for 400 pounds. Initially I will have to use the D50 kit lens on the D200 (would this be a sacrilege?)

    but my plan would still be to eventually but the 12 - 24 lens, but obviously at a later date. What does the panel think?

  6. Having been a Nikon SLR fan for many years - I wanted to buy a point & shoot to

    have with me at all times. After extensive research I opted for the Coolpix S550. I

    read a number of reviews that had differing comments regarding image sharpness.

    Some reviews said that it was so bad they returned the camera to where they

    bought it from & others saying that the quality was amazing. Having now gone out

    & purchased one myself what I have seen so far in terms of image quality has not

    particularly impressed me. Has anyone else here experienced the same type of

    thing? Is this just a setting issue (though I cannot see how it could be)? Is there

    an 'art' to using a point & shoot that I am ignorant of?



  7. Thanks for all your suggestions. Checking some of my pictures yesterday the fact that some are ok & some are not would suggest that this is a photographer issue rather than the equipment :-( It would also appear (by comments made) that the kit lens is an ok lens anyway, tho' i might go for the 17 - 55 mm eventually. I own a tripod Manfotto X90 tho I don't expect to use it on my standard lens in good lighting conditions? I have posted an out of focused example ? multi-zone metering 1/60 @ f 16. Is 1/60 too slow for the 18-55 zoom?<div>00O8xz-41246984.thumb.jpg.7f5e4092d01a3187acb87dd0742018d6.jpg</div>
  8. Hi


    Im currently an owner of a Nikon D50 ? I have the kit lens (AF-S 18-55 3.5-5.6

    G ED) & I also have a Nikkor AF 70-300 4-5.6 G zoom. I mostly use the kit

    lens & my photographic subjects tend to be landscape & architecture. The

    results I get are ok but tend to be average quality as opposed to being

    consistently pin sharp (I always shot in RAW.) If I have a spare $1000 or so

    would you recommend that I spend it in either upgrading to another camera ?

    say a D200 or invest in some better quality lenses? If a lens what would you

    suggest ? bearing in mind the range I would be looking for would be 17mm up

    to , say 70mm?

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