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Posts posted by tom_blakely

  1. <p>I too returned to film recently after a longish absence. I bought an assortment of Nikons to complement what I already had. I have a lot of AI and AIS lenses. I also have a D700. I gave myself a budget, which I've since violated, and sold some medium format equipment (and bought some medium format equipment) to fund some of my purchases, but I'll focus on the 35mm. I had several Fs (with FTn prisms), an FM2n, an FG and an N2000. I bought an F2a, an F3hp, an F4s, an F5, and a Nikomat EL (too cheap to pass up.) Then I bought an N90. I liked it so much I bought a second. Total investment: around $1000. I also bought a couple of AF lenses (since I had the AF cameras) and sold a couple of the AI/AIS lenses (mostly non-nikkors) but I also added a couple of non-nikkors (both AIS and AF, mostly ultra-wides which are just too expensive in Nikon glass.) Now I have too many cameras and a good assortment of lenses, with a little overlap in focal length but only a one or two real duplicates (50/1.4 in AIS and AF-D, for example.)<br>

    Here's what I find. I use these cameras in this order of frequency:</p>


    <li>I use the two N90s most.</li>

    <li>I use the F4s second most</li>

    <li>After that, I use the F5, F3, FM2n and FG about the same amount</li>


    <p>Here are my general observations, which may or may not apply to others:</p>


    <li>The AF lenses only get used on the AF cameras</li>

    <li>I use the AI and AIS lenses on both the AF and MF cameras</li>

    <li>I use focus confirmation a lot when using MF lenses on AF bodies (my eyes aren't what they used to be) and that works well, both in terms of shooting convenience and results </li>

    <li>All of the AF bodies also do some form of matrix metering with AF lenses.</li>

    <li>Except for the F4, none of the AF bodies do matrix metering with MF (AI/AS) lenses. I don't miss it.</li>

    <li>It's easier (for me) to add exposure compensation manually than to use AE and have to set it (and maybe forget to unset it.) In spite of that, I still use AE a lot more than I thought I would.</li>

    <li>When exposure gets tricky (where center-weighted metering would fail) I find that I'm at least as smart as the Matrix metering, although it generally does a pretty good job. I tend to trust it when using AF lenses on the AF bodies, and apply exposure compensation myself when using MF lenses.</li>

    <li>I tend to use program AE with AF and aperture priority with MF lenses, unless I'm shooting manual. I'm a careful shooter most of the time, not a banger, so I set up for shots and plan my exposure and composition. Your results will be different if this isn't you.</li>

    <li>I was going to add an FA and FE or FE2 to my collection. Based on my experience, I find I have no reason to do that -- they wouldn't add anything of value to my armory.</li>

    <li>I still have the Fs, F2a and F3 more for sentimental reasons that because they are of value. I'll probably use the FM2n more than any of them if I want to shoot manual.</li>


    <p>The point of all this is, if you want a "modern" film camera and an F100 or F4 is out of your price range, give serious consideration to an N90/F90 or an N90s/F90x. The last N90 I bought, a couple of weeks ago, cost me $16 on eBay (plus $10.95 shipping.) It had a sticky back, which took about 10 minutes with some isopropyl alcohol to clean off. Everything on it works great (except, oddly, the eyepiece shutter, which I never use anyway.) My 50/1.4 AF-D has found a more or less permanent home on it. In retrospect, I could have saved over $900 had I bought the N90 first (and had I been rational at all about these purchases) although I do like having -- and using -- the F4s and F5. I'll just take the N90 with me pretty much anywhere. It's smaller, lighter, and, perhaps most importantly, more expendable. I'm pretty sure if something happens to it, I can find another with a sticky back for about the same price.<br>



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