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Image Comments posted by mikewilliamson

    Georgetown Birds

    You captured a nice moment here, the contrast of the various straight lines with the chaotic arrangement of the birds is great, the tones work too, good stuff.



    I like this shot, good looking model with a simple background that doesn't distract, works very well with the dress you've chosen. And she's lovely which doesn't hurt.


    For me, the exposure is a little too hot, specifically on her hands and the white necklace. The underlight models her face very beautifully and the exposure on her face is just on the edge of working, coming down a third of a stop would've been nice as you'd still have that "just on the edge of burning" look but a little more controlled. Unfortunately her hands are hot enough to be distracting which is a problem. You could back the light source out further so that you'd have a better balance between her face and her hands (inverse square law), but you might lose some of sheen on her skin. You might try doing some kind of dodge and burn thing to bring her hands down, I think it's worth trying because this is a really nice image.


    Nice work, look forwards to more!

    The Look

    Nice portrait, David, simple lighting with a nice composition that focuses attention on the model, good eyelight going on. I like this much better than the B&W version of this image, the color really pops on her lips and the skin tone is very nice. The low contrast look is really nice in color, but comes across flat in B&W, the color here is really nice and subtle. Great job!

    Irish Dancers

    Great composition, you captured an interesting angle on this. Would have been nice to get the shutter speed down just a hair more, but it works very well as is, nice job!


    Very interesting photo, it's the most interesting of the photos you posted from this shoot. I like the mystery of it, nice control of the tones as well. Good job with it!

    Hitman Wally

    Great use of natural light, the tones are beautiful. It's a great moment between her and the dog, he's very expressive in all your photos of him and the model is terrific too. Checked out your website and it's really impressive, keep up the good work.

    Debbie (2007) 57

    Just left a comment in your portfolio mentioning lighting. I like the natural feel of the light in this series of photos, it's soft and flattering but still shapes the model nicely. The black bra and skirt play against the white couch nicely, adds some contrast to the image. Nice job with a beautiful woman.

    his dark side

    Very nice photo, great use of light and shadow. I'm curious how it would without the small black frame around it, wondering if that would make it a little stronger. I like the negative space, the cinemascope ratio is nice.



    Great use of color, really fantastic. The contrast of the yellow and green makes this shot.


    The shallow DOF works nicely as well, helps to isolate the model nicely. You might look at cropping the bottom of the frame a little tighter, having her vertically centered doesn't help the composition much. It works the way it is because of the depth of field, but it could be even stronger.

    Saskatchewan Girl


    Agree with Rachel, the overexposure looks nice, "fixing it" would probably be a bad idea.


    With the background being all negative space, I'm wondering if a little crop on the left of the photo would make it more interesting. I usually go for some asymetry in composition, but I'm thinking this would be stronger if she was more centered. It looks like it would strengthen the lines of her arm to take away that space on the left.



    What bothers you about the photo?


    I think it works pretty well overall, there's a few things I'd suggest to make it stronger. Finding a less visual busy background than the curtains might have helped put more attention on the bride. You could try to dodge them down or pull the chroma down in that part of the image if they feel to present. Perhaps it's a matter of taste, but I personally dislike the heavily diffused quality of the image, feels a bit cliched to me. If it's a post-processing effect, you might want to take a look at the image without it. Lastly, the heavy black border around the image isn't doing much for me, you might try scaling it back or using something with a bit less visual weight.

  1. Great composition, the range of tones is really nice. The color in the plant is really interesting, sort of a soft lavender that really lovely. Would be interesting to see a less noise-reduced version of this, the smoothness works but curious what it would look like with a little more texture.



    This is a production still from the short film "Megan" on which I was the cinematographer,

    comments and critiques please!



    Lovely light as has been mentioned, falls off beautifully. Very flattering angle, I like the composition as well.


    There's some weird chroma funk happening on the edge of the shadow (right below her cheek for example), is that my display or some kind of noise happening?

    What is that?


    The composition works fine for me, straight verticals wouldn't have hurt anybody but I think it's acceptable.


    The distracting element for me is the light from the flash which really hurts the quality of the light coming in the window. You could've gotten a very nice directional modelling effect from the window light, he's looking into the light which is always a good thing, it would have a nice fall off away from the window where it would get dark and a little moody...


    To my taste, you can lose the sky but I really miss the quality of the natural light on his face.

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