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Posts posted by john_resner

  1. <i>Moderator note: Thread closed due to repeated trolling by OP under various aliases in this discussion. Refuses to accept photo.net guidelines for participation.</i><br>


    <p>I just wondered how others feel about this because many Art Galleries and exhibitions separate the two. I understand that some pictures are just pictures but to me many parts of photography are very much Art. I have to say it really gets too me when we aren't put in the Artist category.</p>

  2. <p>I click on a name and look at their pictures when,<br>

    They make rude comments,<br>

    Make those long winded two and three paragraph, look how smart I am comments,<br>

    Twist the actual post to argue, again to make themselves seem smart,<br>

    And yes a lot of them are moderators....<br>

    I then go and have a look see at their work and 100 percent of the time the work they show is sub-par garbage that a 12 year old wouldn't even be proud of.</p>


  3. <p>Price has nothing to do with where you are in your career, OMG. Don't give her a cheap print because she wants to spend as little s possible. Your name will be associated with this print where ever she puts it. If it were me, I would jus get her the print as she asked and let her get the frame herself.<br>

    You have so many paper choices and mounting styles. Although I think that pic would really pop on Metallic paper. You can also mount this to Plexiglas if you wanted for an extra pop without having to get frame. Total with everything would be 200.00 at a pro lab. Maybe you should get a small pic of this from mpix to how her in person and then discuss quality and prices. I myself would not sell it for less than 600.00 at the low end</p>

  4. <p>I did this 30 years ago with a photographer that inspired me and so happy I did. I think the old fashioned way like an apprentice is the best way to go.<br>

    Funny, some young person called me two weeks ago and said he saw my work on-line and was wondering if I would teach, mentor him. I would love to help someone that has this passion as my mentor did for me. At the end of the conversation he asked how much I was going to pay him per hour. I thought that was pretty rude of him to ask and I cut him short after that.</p>

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