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Image Comments posted by cookfair

  1. was browsing through your portfolie , all very well done, and this one jumped out at me. looks like the chrsler building in ny but it's not silver.... whateve rit is the buldiding jumps off the page and the composition is great...

    Antelope 76

    Thanks for the St Marks comments. I love both the black and whites you have posted. and the color's shots are amazing . glad you had a good trip to az. Back to the B&W. although color is great in these environments sometimes B&W brings out things you dont normally appreciate. I took some B&W in a museum in paris and my friend thought I was crazy. but you suprise yourself - worked for a Manet (not Monet) really well, someday I hope to get around scanning some of this stuff and post. encredible shots of sedona - I'm envious..


    Beautiful shot. love the red. Great details for holding this still for 5 seconds. How did you decide on 5? was this automatic? anyway with this detail held up against a fench you should consider becoming a brain surgeon :)


    Like the picture and the way the light shines and the shadows from the buildings but i hoenstly didnt see the boy on the phone until I read the title. maybe if you brought the photo in a little closer?


    Like the shot but maybe you could lose some of the details on the side. Of course I recieve much the same feedback - I need to load photoshop. i think if you were a little bit closer you coukd have gotten more of the reflection in the floor and less of the sidewalls. they distract a bit from the subject. hope this helps. jim


    I can decide between the color or the black and white - both are excellent as is your entire portfolio. I want to thank you for including all the technical details in your photos , very few people do (including myself unfortunatly) I have learned a great deal by your examples. Thanks - keep all this good stuff coming.
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