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Posts posted by raphael_emond1

  1. Just a little clarification, the Canon 24-85mm feature USM and FTM.

    Every lens that have "Ring USM" have FTM.

    The lens having "Micro-USM" as the 75-300 USM variant, does not have the FTM function. This lens have the AF motor physically linked with the focusing ring that turn when focusing.


    The important thing with FTM, is not turning the lens focus ring at the same time as the AF motor... Weird sounds!

  2. A 16Gb card can store 1600+RAW files... Which is a lot if the card broke/lost while in vacation.

    You will be better to replace the card with 2x8Gb or 4x4Gb.

    Personnaly, I prefer 4Gb card. Safer.


    But for your problem, it was the same with computers ages ago.

    The first limit for HDD was 2Gb, next 8Gb, next 137Gb...

    I think the camera as the 8Gb max problem, which is a memory controller problem. I don't think a 16Gb will work in your 20D.

  3. Technically, you can't use the canon teleconverter with this lens.

    Some 3rd party converter will mount, but either the AF will stop to work or become erratic.


    The problem is the 70-300 is f5.6 at 300mm. with a 1.4x it will become a f/8, the 2x at f/11. Camera like the XTI, can only focus down to f/5.6. I'm afraid that for longer, quality reach, they are no cheap alternatives than a good 400mm+ lens.


    The only cheap lens is the Sigma 50-500.

  4. On my 24-105L, the start-up time is null. Don't see the point to turn off IS even at higher shutter speed. I turn it off only when panning/tripod.


    And image quality wise, it should be the same since the glass elements are still in the light path IS on or off.

  5. You must calculate the effectiveness of IS from the 1/focal rule.

    So if at 200mm, you should start at 1/320s. 3 Stop slower is around 1/60-1/40s for 200mm focal.


    I find that on the 24-105L, the limit of IS tend to be in the 1/10-1/20s. Below that it became a lot less usefull.

  6. Mine is sharper that that wide open, and at f10, it's awesome. Even in the corners. Maybe you should send it to sigma for calibration?

    I was never deceived by mine. Color/contrast/sharpness/focus, everything is superb.<div>00JeGv-34580084.jpg.269c33ab22aabf0949f25db6578689b7.jpg</div>

  7. You can shoot the sun with it. Not for 15min though.

    Don't worry, a class 1-3 Laser would not damage anything in you camera. And overexposing a light source is common and safe.


    Don't worry too much. I have shoot welding arc with mine, and the rays are more powerfull than a little laser pointer without a hitch.

  8. The list of options that make a difference is big.

    Just think of instant start, FEC in body, AI Servo in all modes

    Faster Card writes, bigger buffer.

    I tried a 300D once, and found it lacking in important options

    compared to my 350D.


    But the 350D->400D upgrade is not really worth it.

    But from a 300D, it's no brainer. And you have good glass to backup

    this new body.

  9. "entry DSLRs now have better AF systems- 400D"


    the AF system in the 400D is the same as the 30D, and one of

    the best on this range of price.


    f/2.8 and faster lens have better accuracy than on others models

    the 20D/30D/400D use this type of focusing


    Normally, if the AF system cannot focus because of lowlight, it's too

    dark to shoot anyway. If you need flash, it provide the AF assist beam.

  10. BUT..... if you check all sample pictures made by the 400D, you will notice that they are less sharp than any other canon body. I can<t find a 100% logical answer to this, but it looks like they have done a resampling in PS!


    So I will keep my 350D just because of that....

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