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Image Comments posted by desmond_kidman

    Under the bridge

    I love it, and as for detail in the cyclist, I think it's great just the way it is. Obviously it's a cyclist, but it's not the subject and being blurry just makes the eye go back to the subject again. Perfect. The child with the tongue out makes the image to me......reminds one of childhood, the adult trying to keep the kids dry and get to where they are going, while the child is only concerned with catching a raindrop on the tongue, apparently.



    Sometimes I have no idea where the rating numbers come from......but then I take into account many of the images that are posted on this site, and I have to chalk it up to some folks having a hard time admitting to the beauty of an image of another photographer.


    This is a beautiful image. Beauty of line, tension, it has it all. A pleasure to look at, congratulations.

  1. Another winner, we must think, or see, alike. Again, the square, and the peace of the square when well used, makes me want to return to it and shoot nothing else. The composition has to be "just so" to make an image like this work. I don't know if you studied the frame and painstakingly adjusted it, or just pointed and instinctively shot, but the balance is perfect. .
  2. Beautiful balance and again, great use of the square. I love so many images in your portofolio. I could analyze them, figure out why they work for me, wonder what I would have done differently, but many of the images inspire me to observe and feel, and that's success in my book.


    The simplicity of this image belies the difficulty, vision, and talent required to recognize when an opportunity like this arises and capture it fast!. Perfect use of the square, that most elegant of shapes. Bravo.



    So often we get used to things we all would like to see but are not reality. Sometimes those things shown as we might wish they were can become a cliche'. Can there be a bigger cliche' than the same old polarized sky over and over and over, deep blue like it almost never is? I am looking at the sky in the horizon right now out my window, just above my monitor, and it is much like this sky, except in reality the real sky today a little lighter!


    Great feel in the image. Makes me wish to visit there, I think that's a sign of success of a landscape image.

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