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Posts posted by johnson_d.

  1. Yeah, that sounds a little strange. One thing to check is to make sure the head is really in the forward position. The 580EXII (and I assume the 580ex as well) has a forward and slightly down position where the zoom fixes to "50mm" I believe. The auto zoom only works in the one true forward position. That catches me every once and a while because it's hard to tell the head is pointing down slightly just by looking at it. Anyway, it's something to check.
  2. I find this proof lacking. If would be much more persuasive if you would measure the temperature of your cable

    box and/or provide us with the name of your cable provider as well as specify the orientation of the camera as it

    was placed on top of the box. A description of the airflow dynamics of the surrounding environment would also

    provide additional valuable information. This would allow us to determine for our selves whether or not your 5D

    did indeed take a lickin'.

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