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Image Comments posted by kim_silliker

    Blue Dome And Sea

    The bright blue colour of this picture immediately causes it to stand out and makes it visually appealing. Perhaps you were in awe of that particular moment as you looked at the building and out over the water, I can see why you wanted to capture the beauty of this landscape on film. Hope I am close.

    Cria I

    I feel the purpose of this photograph is to create a soothing image for the viewer. You have done a good job emphasizing the water by making it look so refreshing, and you have captured the essence of this peaceful place.

    Lily in rain

    This picture immediately caught my eye. I should first confess that lillies are one of my favourite flowers, therefore, the subject of this photo is one of interest to me. I love the bold colour this picture portrays, and I like how you have really emphasized the beauty of the lily in this close up photo. Well done!


    This is a great picture. I love how you have captured the humming bird at such a close range. It looks like you have stopped time, but in the same breath have kept a sense of motion. Great job!

    Farmers Market



    I find this picture visually appealing. The colours are so rich and the photo just "jumped" out at me. It is particularly useful this time of year, as we all yearn for such rich colours in our gardens. I like your close-up shots, and the arrangement of the pictures. It is a great picture!

    Digital DNA

    This photo jumped out at me. It's very striking. I almost question if it?s a photo or a digitally altered image. The ?RGB? seems electronically created -the letters are so precise. The different crayons also look like they?ve been placed against the yellow background after the fact - they have no shadows. This gives the impression there was some post production work done on this image. Nonetheless, the striking colors as well as the simple imagery of the primary colors is a simple image taking one back to primary schools and back to one?s childhood.
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