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Image Comments posted by martybrodell


    John, I've been an admirer of your work for a couple of years now and I even occasionally post a comment. So, it's been a while and I thought I'd put my "two cents" in on this one. I love it for two reasons. First, the pastel-like colors are just perfect.Second, you always have a way with your models' eyes. You seem to capture that perfect moment of body language and "the look" that makes the model's pose say something to the camera. I admire that a lot. I guess that's what art is! Anyway, well done my friend and best regards!-Marty


    Very nicely done! An excellent B&W with perfect contrast and brightness. Nice crop also! I agree with the above comment...KEEP ON CLICKIN'!-Best Regards, Marty
  1. Built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a way to get down to the

    tidal pools from the jettys at low tide (also a way for photographers

    to get UP on to the jettys to take photos!)on the rocky coast of

    Newport, R.I. As always, comments and/or critiques are always

    welcome. Thanks for looking.

    Morning Exchange

    This is just simply a perfect shot! Great colors and a fine observation. One could not ask for more perfect composition. It seems you were in the right place at the right time!Simply wonderful!:)Marty
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