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Image Comments posted by paulhenriimages

    Bone Yard


    Hi Andrea,


    I just absolutely love this shot. The kind of thing I love to find and shoot. Good color saturation and DOF.


    How are you doing these days anyway sister? Send me an email update on your life if you have a mind to. I am leaving for 10 days to Central Mexico March 18th but will be around till then.


    Paul Henri

  1. I have to say again that it seems like the images that generate the most and the most positive comments generally have naked women in them. Now don't get me wrong-I love the nude female as much as any man, but I don't get this one. If she had been forgotten, wouldn't she have on some raggedy old work clothes and boots, and not the brand spanking new and shiny dominatrix type she has on? And wouldn't she not have on a dust mask? Or wouldn't it be filthy? And wouldn't she be kind of dirty and smelly and not so polished? And wouldn't this photo have been a much more interesting shot without her in it?


    Paul Henri



    Hi Andrea,


    I have been remiss in responding to your emails and comments and I apologize. This is just gorgeous. I love the framing and the colors. Our trip to India was amazing and spectacular to say the least and I want to go back already. Hope you are doing well.


    Paul Henri

  2. Another in the Series of Tribal peoples living outside the

    mainstream and trying to make a living from their handicrafts. This

    woman had made all the beautiful blockprinting behind her and showed

    us how she does it. Please critique.

  3. Many Indian women do not like their photos taken, but if there's one

    thing about them, it felt as if they would look right through me as

    I took the shot. I tried to be as respectful as I could and still

    get my shots, but sometimes it felt a little papparazzi-esque.

    Please critique.

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