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Posts posted by hankh

  1. I contacted Nikon, they said mail it in for service. My concern is giving it up for who knows how long and still hoping if they

    can reproduce it. Guess I will live with it till it gets worse.

  2. i agree with the MacD shot, I was not happy with the original exposure. Keep in mind I would not consider Photogene as replacement for

    CS5 for printing. But does a decent job for monitor/internet viewing. It appears Ipad software will not allow you to change file names. A

    work around would be to use one of Photogenes two( these are not the only two export options) dropbox or FTP, change the name and

    send it to yourself. Sharpening, hey I am 75, sharp to you is still a little blurred for me. : >)

    My use for this when in Italy was to get some photos to friends in the states that were on Facebook.My point for the price, it is a great


  3. Nice thing about the D700, which I have, is shooting in low light. The larger cells do better in low light, as per D4. I have

    some night shots in Flickr.com/photos/hankster123. They were done with a D700, 24-120f4VR and no tripod at high ISO

    like 2000.

  4. Some are concerned about using an Ipad.

    FYI, re Photogene, I used my D700 while in Italy. I down loaded all my jpeg hi res file to my series 1 ipad using the usp/ ipad Apple

    adapter and USB cable. Have had no problems. Edited in Photogene which is GREAT. I am a Nik and PS5 user, but Snapseed and The

    Photoshop app do not come close. I was able to do 90% of the editing with Photogene and then go down to my expresso bar with Wi-Fi

    and export from Photogene direct to Flickr,Facebook or email. You can use FTP or Dropbox if you want to modify the file name. I am very

    impressed with the Photogene editing capability.


    Check my flickr.com/photos/hankster123. Most of the last aprox twenty entries were edited with Photogene, check tags.

  5. FYI, re Photogene, I used my D700 while in Italy. I down loaded all my jpeg hi res file to my series 1 ipad using the usp/

    ipad Apple adapter and USB cable. Have had no problems. Edited in Photogene which is GREAT. I am a Nik and PS5

    user, but Snapseed and The Photoshop app do not come close. I was able to do 90% of the editing with Photogene and

    then go down to my expresso bar with Wi-Fi and export from Photogene direct to Flickr,Facebook or email. You can use

    FTP or Dropbox if you want to modify the file name. I am very impressed with the Photogene editing capability.


    Check my flickr.com/photos/hankster123. Most of the last aprox twenty entries were edited with Photogene, check tags.

  6. As an update, I can cause this to happen if I rub the LCD with the clothing I am wearing. None of the buttons will clear it. I

    am sure it is being caused by some capacitive coupling of a static charge the couples to the uP in the Nikon through the

    glass protective glass protector glued to the LCD. Next step is for me to find a way to ground the screen to the body to

    see if that would disipate the charge. Stay tuned.

  7. I have a D700, with a glass protection screen on the LCD. I use a sling on the camera wiich means it hangs on my side. Now I notice if a

    walk with the camera on for awhile the viewfinder screen goes to a DX format frame displaying all 51 points. If I turn off the camera it clears. Of course this happens with all my FX lenses, I have no DX lenes. When it is on my side it is not pressing any buttons, there are no buttons that could cause this anyway. It appears to happen when the LCD is rubbing againt my shirt or pants. I wonder if this could be caused by a static charge. When this occures I am still able to get correct exposure and focus. Any help?

  8. Before I sold my Leica system, on a three month trip to Italy I brought a M7 with a 15mm Voitlander, Leica 24mm f2.8

    ,Leica 35mm f2 ,50mmf2 and 90mmf2 with 50 rolls of Fuji Velvia. The aprox. percentage I used each lens in the above

    order was: 15mm 3%, 24mm 25%, 35mm 60%, 50mm 10% and 90mm 2%. As you can see 24 & 35 were my bread and

    butter lenses. Why are they gone, film too expensive. Wanted full frame format and they were sold before M9 came out,

    With a Nikon D700 and Leica Dlux4 now.

  9. Instead of a tripod, there is a device composed of a strap with a loop at one end and about 6 feet ong depending on your

    height. Place the loop around your hand(or use a male tripod screw that you can attach the strap too and mount on base

    of camera) then simply place your foot on the other end of stap at the height you need, pull up on stap as you take the

    picture, acts as a monopod. Roll it up and put in pocket when finished.

  10. FYI- I purchased a new Leica IIIf red dial with timer & Summicron 50mm f2 collapsible with leather case and fuzzy red box in 1955 for $160. As as side note this was at an Air Force Base Exchange in the Azores. During this time I also acquired a new leitz 35mm 3.5 for $39 in Germany also a AF base exchange.
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