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Posts posted by winston_endall1

  1. I'm looking for feed back on different lighting modifiers. I want the

    giant soft look of an octa bank but I don't want to pay for one. Right

    now I'm looking at a large translucent light panel setup or the photek

    60" softlighter. Right now I've got umbrella and medium soft boxes but

    nothing truly huge like that. Any one use either of the above? What do

    ya think and do you have any images made with

  2. Really great pics can be create with one flash as main light and the

    other as a background light. Use your reflector on the other side of

    your main light for fill. So much of it has to do with positioning of

    the light sources as to the look your going to get. check out monte

    zucker's site for tons of great info and lighting diagrams.


    get a bunch of rolls of slide film ( use slide for all tests cause

    theres no way to cover up screw ups- what you see is what you get- I

    use fuji sensia for all my test for consistancy and low cost), take

    exacting notes of what you did and shoot away.

    If your good at improvising you can make lots of cool backdrops,

    lighting stands and light modifiers with stuff from surplus or

    hardware stores. One that I still use is taping a giant piece of

    translucent plastic (buy at a gardening store - less than $10) over a

    door frame to create a large softbox/window light. While I now have a

    full studio full of softboxes, mono lights and tons of stands and grip

    gear, I still find myself manufacturing weird stuff in my

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