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Image Comments posted by ljcarr

    Now we're ready


    I like the composition and lighting of the wedding party, but the post work is a bit to much. The "out of focus" effect is not natural and quite distracting. Maybe ease back on the effect, also there seems to be a bit of a "halo" around the models. Most noticeable is the picture frames at center of image and the background window on right side of image near models elbow. Plus the lamp on the left appears to be next to the party yet it is completely out of focus, adding some blur to the lamp would be OK but since it is in the plane of focus it shouldn't be so blurred. I know you can't go back and re-shoot, so for future reference using a larger aperture would give you the "Blurred" effect you are looking for.

    This is just my opinion.

  1. Great image(s), love the tones and lighting. Most of all I love the title as it was true to my viewing, at first I thought the reflection was the image inverted upon itself but then "At Second Glance" I noticed the models pose is different. I'm sorry if I give the mystery away for other viewers. Love it.

    ant's eye view

    Very well composed, love the color contrasts. I would have to agree with Kaya on the Vignette, I like to use vignette as a way to draw the eye to the center or subject. The leading lines of the trees/branches draws the eye into the image. For me, the vignette pulls my eye away from the subject. Otherwise love it. Thanks for showing.

    Delicate Arch

    I really love this shot. I have never seen an image of Delicate Arch taken from this perspective. The use of the Fisheye lens was a great choice as well. Well done, thanks for sharing. - Larry


    This is a really great capture. Lighting, DOF, and Composition are great. I am always moved by this type of image. The only thing that bothers me, and this is just my opinion, is how the fingers are cut off by the black cloth being used. A thick book could have been placed under the cloth and the hands positioned to overhang the books edge slightly. Thanks for sharing. -Larry


    I love how you captured this image. Your use of focal length and point of view exaggerates the length of this already long canine. It also gives them a greater sense of height. Thanks for sharing. -Larry
  2. I always wanted to see Bryce during the winter, sadly I've moved back to Michigan and likely wont see it for a long time. I love the beauty of all the colors Bryce and the surrounding area has to offer. I was surprised when I seen this in B/W, we must have been standing in the exact same spot. I have attached my version, in color. Thanks for sharing this great image. -Larry


    currently speaking


    I agree that a faster shutter speed would take away from the flow of the stream, however this image does suffer because it is out of focus. Lets compromise, keep the shutter speed and use a tripod in the future. That way you won't get camera shake while using the slower shutter speed. -Larry

  3. I agree, all the images in your Politics folder had some humor/satire, but as the folder was labeled they all had a political reference. Since you declare this image to be about K-9 astrology it has no political stance. I took offense because some people may see the words 'Homeopathic Remedies' as a cure for being gay, not truly knowing what it meant. Also, since the gay community still is not accepted by a large number of people and mainly by our current Political leaders and you had the image in a folder labeled "Politics" it's easy to see how I could get a different meaning from your intention.


    In my defense, Only a person with a guilty conscious would change the name of their folder to try and support themselves. It's like you're trying to convince yourself that the meaning of this image is about the humor of K-9 Astrology. You should have a backbone and stand behind your declaration and not change things to appease others. In my eyes your actions have spoke louder than your words.


    To answer your questions, No I don't have a victim issue, and I don't have any pets. Judging by your comment you left in my portfolio you must think that you have offended someone from the gay community, you haven't. I'm not gay. That is why you don't see any phobic signs of "Straights" in my portfolio as you stated. I must thank you for that, I took offense to one image of yours and you make a personal attack on me in my portfolio.

  4. For all those defending Enrique and , if the original intent for this image was for the K-9 Astrology Charts why would Enrique put this image in his POLITICS folder in his portfolio???? Please tell me what is so political about K-9 Astrology Charts?


    It's easy to sit back after you received a reaction and say 'that wasn't my intention'. Your actions say it was, you would have put in a HUMOR folder if you thought it was funny. -Larry

  5. It's obvious you are making a crack at the words "Homeopathic Remedies", thinking that it is a cure of some sort for being gay. Homeopathy is the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease. It has nothing to do with San Francisco or the gay community.


    There are, however, pills and remedies on the market for people like you, they make you smarter.


    Love the shot. The motion blur coming off the car is a little off. It is going a bit sideways off the tire area but straight back off the rear of the car. That can easily be touched up. Love the angle looking down.

    12 Apostles


    I agree with Will on the exposure. I would have made several exposures with different shutterspeeds and merged them to HDR in Photoshop. There is another technique using 2 images; 1 exposed for shadow detail and 1 for highlight detail then using Photoshop blend them together to make 1 image.


    The plus side of your image is that it is very well composed.

    Fire Millen!


    He is the only common denominator in the losing seasons of the Lions. How many coaches have they been through in the past 6 years, 3, 4? Sure the players need to perform, but he needs to let the Coach 'Coach'. He needs to be the office boy and let those that know football do football.


    Nice shot, Love the angle.

    Tiempo nublado

    Great composition, Photoshop (Editing) could have been better. Your corrections for the sky is running into the edge of the trees, and along the top side of the branch in the upper left corner you can see a strip of unedited sky. I Don't mean to be nit picky, minor corrections in editing can make this a great overall shot.
  6. Allison if you think drug addiction is a hobby you must of just got high yourself. There is no such thing as a stupid question but there are stupid comments and you've made just one.


    Asad you have taken a very disturbing and powerful image. This is, unfortunately, reality. Kids all over the world are using drugs, kids that use drugs become adults that use drugs. I can never put myself in the mind of a drug addict to think of what is so terrible in their lives that they feel this much escape is needed.


    Good shot. Good composition, DOF, and perspective, great documentary subject matter.

    Flip it

    A faster shutterspeed is needed to freeze the action of this cheerleader. Your 50mm lens, I can only guess, should be faster than an f/5.6, had you used an f/1.8 or f/2 you could have increased the shutterspeed by 3 stops. The larger aperture would also give you shallow DOF blurring the background and putting more emphasis on the flip. IMO you need at least 1/1000 shutterspeed for stop action. If your lens is not faster than f/5.6 you could increase your ISO to 400 to get 2 stops faster shutterspeed.

    Holy sunbath

    I like the distortion this lens created. I normally like more clouds in the sky, but the lone sun in the sky looks fine. I don't like that the suns' rays are cut off on the top side.
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