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ryan bartels

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Image Comments posted by ryan bartels


    Overall I like the shot. I feel that there is a bit of castration anxiety to the left... my mind wants to see more of the flow, the origins. The dividing line (horizon) may be a bit too centered. The eye is led across the frame more than into it. Trying a differnt angle might prove very interesting. Nice shot. I like the motorcycles the best. Nice colore and the composition flows into the frame.


    Very good color. I would probably work with the foreground a bit. Nothing is wrong with it, but just try different angles and locations. Also, you need to clean your CCD. The dark speck in the sky is caused by dust on the CCD. Great shot overall.

    Tallinn V

    This is your best architecural shot. The colors are superb together. I even like the greyer blue sky than something too blue. The shot is much better with the sky hitting the open edge of the frame. Like it.

    Lake McDonald

    Nice pano. I think the image would benefit from more water and a greater contrast between sky, land, and water. The center mountains are too bright to offer much contrast. This has potential. I like what's going on here.


    This is the type of environment that us nature photographers are always looking for! Here, I would return in the fall when the colors have shifted to those poping rust, yellows, and reds. The ground will be littered with them and the overhang as well. Try using a filter, like an ND or Polerizer, to deepen the colors and allow for a longer exposure - thus silking the water. THis is a good location, right now though I think the surroundings are a little plain unless you can use a green intensifier. Nice shot.
  1. Good use of the diagonal to lead the eye. Unfortunately for me, the exposure does not offer enought dynamics. The composition is not very exciting. The light is hard and the animal is not engaged. If there was a more selective focus (thight cropping) it might work. At this point it just looks like a snapshot over a zoo railing.


    I agree that it is a nich shot. Might I recommend using a larger aperture and longer shutter speed or a ND filter if you wish not to alter tha aperture. Sometimes when we need the light the shutter speed gives us awkward water. What I mean is water that is in a somewhat calm area like this (i.e. not a waterfall or stream) gets a slight blur to it when we hit later day shots. Try a longer exposure to blend the water surface to almost a glass quality, that or bump the ISO and shoot it faster. This is my only distraction. Nice shot.


    Nice shot of the jockie, but can't really get a sense of movement. Try more of the horse and maybe some blur and see what happens.

    Yesterday Down

    It is hard to fault this image. I actually think the cropping is good. You need that foreground and you have just enough of everything else. The emeralds, pinks, blues, etc. are great together This is an excellent composition and end result. Congrats.


    This is the kind of shot that everyone wants to capture, but can never seem to find it. It offers a rugged, wet, urban feel with excellent tonal values and composition. Nice shot.
  2. This is a beautiful image. Did you try to frame the entire structure in the frame at all? The building runs out in the left corner as does the bridge. It is a good use of the rule of thirds, nice exposure, and great sky, but would like to compare it with other angles. Also, it looks like CCD bluring or something in the sky? Really like this shot though. Good work.


    I love the pose. The light control ie excellent if slightly bright toward the rear shoulder. The is the best shot in you portfolio. Great work. I wonder what the shot would lock like with the entire left hip and the hands in the frame? Just an idea. Love it.


    I think it is cool that you are processing your own film. Here you mentioned wanting to catch the textures and tones. I think that the image is well exposed, however, the subject is not very interesting and there are far more highlights than mid and shadow tones. Not bad for a practice roll, but I would choose a subject with more variation between tones. Keep up the work.
  3. I love the location! There are a few things that I question with regard to composition, however. First, the background is slightly overexposed. A filter would have helped control this. Also, the eyes are always drawn to the brightest part of the photo which in this case is the extreme bactround. The glare of the waterfall is also distracting in the foreground water. The idea is there, but slightly off on the execution I think. Try a few other angles and I think you'll be in business. Nice work.


    I really like the vertical shot of the falls between the trees at Wahkeena Falls (?) - is this in Oregan? I also like the leaf on the colored brick image. Nice portfolio.

    - O -


    Nice use of tones and space. Body is not lame... feet are pointed, and fingers are streached. Love this shot. Brilliant artwork here.


    This, "Diagonal Stretch," "My Soul in Your Eyes," and the high key close up are my favorites. You have a firm understanding of the difference between sex and art. Your art is superb.


    I like this shot. Nice color and exposure. Even rear lines not too distracting. Good work here. I think it's your best shot.
  4. With these exotic geometric patterns you really don't need to worry about it being boring unless you compose it poorly. I think I would actually perfer it without the boy. Is he wearing a cape? I wonder what the image would look like if the edges of the spiral touched the upper left edges of the frame? If you have access to this location, try it and let us see. Nice eye for the design here. I really like the location. Also, what about seeing it in color too?
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