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Image Comments posted by rebus


    You have a lot of classy works but this is certainly one of my favourites. My compliments! If you get a chance to take a look at some of my shots I'd be grateful. Regards.


    Thanks for your comment Tomasz, this is the kind of more detailed info I find useful. I would sincerely like to know if others had trouble making out the foreground cigarette which is a direct counterpart to the protagonist's cigarette, just as the cups are. I don't agree however that the foreground plays no part, it is in my mind crucial to the various significances of the piece.

    The silence


    Well done Alessandro nice composition,feel and tone. Maybe the clouds have become a little unnatural through toning but a question of taste.


    Bravo Alessandro, ottima composizione, sensazioni e tonalità. Forse le nuvole hanno perso un po' di naturalezza nel toning ma forse voluto, questione di gusti.


    This has a nice mood to it. The top right area and other parts are a little over-flattened? Maybe bring some shadows back. Well done.


    Congratulations. You have a definite strong visual sense and style. Wonder however if this image would benefit from just a little processing (strands of hair on shoulder smooth skin). Just a thought, fine like this also.


    Splendid! Please make more like this. I rarely like these kinds of works, preferring the more elusive and therefore less tangible sense for our inner territories, but here you have put your finger on just what lurks somewhere in the back of our minds in these dark times.


    The right pose, the right context, the right expression, the right ambiguity. Can't seem to quite find that in your other images. Well done. Seems as if she is holding on to innocence. Have questions more than answers relating to the gap between nape and window frame and top right/lower-left areas where lightness and darkness respectively could possibly be emphasized, but just a matter of taste.


    Grabs and holds one's interest and explores a subject with imagination, which is what I would love to see more of everywhere...My compliments. Please make more like this...
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