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Image Comments posted by ekoppel

    Prison Cell

    Not a bad picture. Maybe you could try to engage the vendor a bit. Perhaps he could be looking at the camera or something. Just make him stand out a bit more. He doesn't capture much feeling amongst all his wares.


    Not bad. I can see where you were trying to go with this. I like the tilted horizon. I'm assuming that you intentionally put the subject out of focus. Try bumping up the exposure a bit; it's kind of dark. Regarding the expressions of the people, the guy seems happy enough but not the girl!
  1. Yeah, usually that stringy bead effect occurs when people don't turn off noise reduction. Check out some of my star trail shots here: http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=738685


    The 3 left star trails were done using the multiple exposure method. The one in the middle may suffer from that stringy bead effect slightly, just because the last two exposures I took a few minutes later, because I had to set up the flashlights and flashes in order to light paint the foreground.


    I highly suggest the multiple exposure method. Not only do you have better control over the exposure (you don't have to worry about blowing out the sky or the foreground) but you won't lose an full 2 hour image due to the battery dying during noise removal.

  2. I suggest with digital you try a different method for star trails. If you have a large memory card (2 gigs or more) you should try taking multiple exposures and then having photoshop or a program called "Startrails" overlap them. Set your camera to burst mode, ISO 800, 30 seconds, and your widest aperture. Turn off noise reduction.
  3. I like this shot a lot. It looks like you had to increase the exposure though. I can see the lines which are prevalent in the shadows when you bump up exposure in post processing.


    Since a shot like this cannot be more than 30 seconds long (if it's longer than 30 seconds, you'll begin to see the movement from the stars), I recommend either opening the aperture or increasing the ISO.


    Overall a great concept and awesome execution with the lit foreground.


    I like it. Although perhaps you should try using a smaller aperture. While the moon is sharp and in focus, the buildings are closer to the camera than the moon (obviously) but yet they're not in focus. So perhaps you should try getting the buildings in the background in focus too.


    Very nice shot! The one thing I suggest is straightening the image? Try making the horizon of the water parallel with the frame of the image.


    Are you using Photoshop? If so, you can rotate the image by going to the Image menu, selecting "Rotate Canvas" and then choosing the appropriate angle. In this case, you would rotate it 90 degrees clockwise.
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