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Posts posted by uriah_jacquez

  1. Thanks everybody for the positive responses and information that will help me and other photogs make better business decisions when it comes to photography. I agree with Dave about Bill Prouds comment being unnecessary and impolite. There are better ways to simulate a dialogue other than being negative and rude. Bill, I just want to point out that the school that I went to is a university known for it's journalism. It wasn't a mail order type of degree that I recieved nor was I asleep in class. Unfortunately, the photojournalism department doesn't offer a class on the business aspect of photography. Trust me, if they did, I would of taken it. On the other hand a local community college in the city offers a class that focus' primarily on the business aspect of photography which I think I'll be taking this coming summer or fall. I just needed to make that clear after being belittled. I agree with Peter as well: Lets keep the positive vibe going and lets help one another out! Damn, I love this site! Keep up the good work!
  2. Here's the deal. I just graduated from college with a degree in

    photojournalism. I learned the all aspects of working the camera and

    taking good photos. What the school didn't teach was how to make a

    living off of my photos. So when a friend of mine hooked me up with a

    wholesaler to shoot some product shots I said sure. I spoke with the

    wholesaler, "Karen", on the phone and she told me she could pay me

    $200 for the photos and my time. After doing the work and giving her

    the CD of 300 dpi edited photos (I'm slapping myself silly right now)

    I now know I made a huge mistake after I researched on how to

    negotiate pricing and the business aspect of photography. Believe me,

    I wish I new about photo.net a lot sooner! "Karen" now wants me to

    shoot more product photos for her. My question is this: How do I go

    about letting her know that the fees that I charged her before have

    increased? Also, does she have full ownership of the photos that I

    took for her during our first session, since I didn't have her sign an

    agreement? Anyone, please help me with this dilema..

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