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Image Comments posted by tyler.benner

  1. My best friend Thure, fighting leukemia.


    I did a whole photo shoot with him where we showed him strong and flexing

    like a body builder while battling cancer in the hospital.


    All comments and critiques are appreciated!

    Curing Thure


    My best friend, Thure, in the hospital fighting leukemia. Note the masks on the people

    in the background. After some very scary weeks, he is in remission and is gaining his

    strength back. I thought it was important to take his picture during this important time

    in his life.


    All comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!



    Sorry, but I am going to disagree with the comment above. The lighting feels very fake to me, and frankly detracts from what could feel like a very natural portrait. It looks like she was hit hard with some heavy flashes, fine if you are in the studio, but awkward with the wood around her. I find the christmas lights to be a bit colloquial as well.


    What I am trying to say is that I am not sure what type of look you were going for here. The girl is definitely beautiful, no question about that, but I am not sure what this picture was really for. If you want the natural outside shot, wait for the sunlight to be going down over the tops of the hills and take some pictures of her just as the sky turns to gold. Maybe bounce some soft light onto her with a reflector, but keep the bright lights out!

    Let It Be

    I think if you had shot this at higher f-stop, it might have had a very interesting and different feel (because the letters would not be as blurry and would subsequently have more meaning). So, why did you shoot through the letters? (it is a little tough to see it is in fact an "e" and not a "c", or quite possibly even an "o".)

    The Large Pistol

    Is this supposed to be oriented this way? Either way (horizontal or vertical, it feels awkward. I also wish you had not cropped the edges of the petals. It confuses me as to what exactly I am supposed to be looking at. (The whole flower, or just the pistol? If it is just the pistol, why didn't you get closer?)

    Look Over There

    The whole thing looks soft? Maybe it is just over-saturated (especially in the reds) and I lose the detail in the flowers that should be in focus. The grey in the background doesn't help much either.

    A Modern Day Eve?

    Take a cue from one of my favorite photos! Keep working this idea out. This one didn't quite capture the magic, but playing with some DOF, subject, and background, you will take some beautiful photos like this. Keep it up!
  2. Thank you for the comment!


    It is difficult to create a photo studio out of a dim hospital ward where everyone was required to scrub down and wear masks and gloves! (but Thure)


    To me, this photo is more about my best friend Thure battling leukemia in his colorful way. Even in a hospital ward, you cannot hide his personality.



    This is Aaron Krinsky, founder of Veomed, watching fireworks in Laguna Beach on the

    4th of July.


    All comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!

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