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Image Comments posted by joe_decker1



    I like the photo better with the strip of sky left

    in. I like the sense of place it creates, as

    well as the sense of 'level' -- with the

    crop people are talking about, the picture to

    my eye looks a little tilted. Finally,

    the suggested crop doesn't leave (to my eye)

    enough room between the cones and the edge of

    the photo, and draws my eye out of the picture

    frame, which I find undesirable. Your mileage

    may vary, of course.



    Jessie & Friend

    The tones are great, I wouldn't fret about theshadows at all.

    I'm not sure I agree with your concern aboutthe finger. In landscape photography I oftendo a lot of work to keep items from beingcut off by the end of my picture, people's eyestend to 'catch' on them, and in many cases the viewer isleft wondering what it is that has been cut off.

    The context here is quite different, I think. The finger does catch my eye, but that'sokayh, thefinger is a significant element of the picturein terms of meaning, not so much in terms ofform.The fact that there's a hand there changes howI percieve the relationship between the twowomen. So I wouldn't crop it the finger away.But including more of the hand wouldn't have added any meaning to the picture for me at all.

    At any rate, it's a lovely picture. If I haveto pick a nit, it'd be the headband-like shadow that appears acrosss the upper womans forehead. But that's a nit.

    Nice work!

  1. I've been playing with cropping the right edge of this photo,

    but I have mixed feelings about it. It makes the placement of

    the moon and Venus (more visible in the final prints, they're

    small) more comfortable, but cuts into the arc of morning light,

    which feels to me more like a primary subject. At any rate,

    comments on this issue quite welcome (as are comments or criticisms

    of any other aspect of the picture.)

  2. I might've changed the angle, the midtones at the

    bottom of the flower merge witht ehe background some,

    and the out-of-focus bloom up and to the left distracts

    as well. A little lower and to the right might have

    completely obscured the bloom in teh back, and fixed

    the merging greys as well. Just a thought, I wasn't


    Dead Lakes


    The wide expanse of overexposed sky distracts here.

    Using an ND grad to bring it into the range of your

    film, and or minimizing the area by raising the horizon

    (e.g., pointing down) might have helped. The colors and

    the patterns in the water are awesome.

  3. I like the compositional feel a lot.

    I wish the rainbow could have

    been stronger, it feels pale in comparison to the

    red tower, a polarizer might have helped

    intensify the rainbow. And the picture is slightly

    tilted to the counterclockwise, which is slightly



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