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Posts posted by coastallight

  1. <p>Sorry, still don't agree with you. This has become a known issue, along with focus issues. That is a problem. There are too many of us "low" number actuations counts that have had the shutter die or the focus not work properly. Way too many. Is the photography industry now joining the band wagon of creating lesser quality products that need to be fixed or replaced after only a year? I hope not.</p>
  2. <p>I'm not in agreement with your analogy. I think Nikon made some bad shutters. If my tires wore out after 16K miles, I'd be pretty upset, too, because they should last a lot longer than that (happened to my husband - he was none too pleased).<br>

    Unfortunately, A LOT of D7000 have gotten the short end of the stick. Not only with the shutter failure but also with focus issues. THAT is not OK. A few here and there maybe, but not to the extent that this same issue is happening.<br>

    FYI - it's not $300, it was $146 for mine. Funny though, because another person I know had the exact same thing happen, her's cost $200. Not sure why her's cost more than mine. One other person I know on yet another board, same issue, was around $100 (sensing a pattern?). </p>


  3. <p>Got my D7000 back!<br>

    They replaced the shutter mechanism. <br>

    They also reset everything (bummer), cleaned the sensor, did a firmware update and some other minor things. <br>

    Great to know my shutter went just below 16k. That is not fair. </p>

  4. <p>Well, at least their turn around time is better. I remember hearing of people waiting months to get their gear back. I'm happy it's back after 2 weeks, but really would like to know what failed to begin with. I also find it odd that they don't inform you of it being shipped back. I'd think it would all be automated in this day and age.<br>

    Jordan, I'd be a bear about it going back in again. It most definitely should be covered under warranty and they should have to pay the shipping both ways. It's inexcusable to me. Mine went off to NY as well. Although I do have a service repair center in Arlington MA that I might use next time. I can drive there if I wanted/needed to. I'm heading to Boston in Sept and am planning on stopping in to check it out and meet the service people. I've heard great things about them.</p>


  5. <p>Bummer Jordan. Hope it gets fixed correctly this time. How long do they warranty their repairs? <br>

    <br />Mine is "in shop" and has been since the 25th. Hoping to see "shipped" later today (fingers crossed). I miss that camera. My D700 is just not the same, and it's loud. The poor dogs at the shelter get a little spooked by it (I volunteer there to take photos of the dogs and critters). </p>

  6. <p>Update - I was on hold waiting for a Nikon rep to answer when their quote popped into my email. $146 plus shipping for an B2 repair. Not too bad. Wish I knew what was being repaired. Guess I'll have to wait a bit. I'll post when I know more in case anyone else runs into a similar situation.</p>
  7. <p>Thanks Jordan. I'm still waiting for my email from Nikon (they received it last Wed) with my number that they've logged it in. A friend of mine also had to send her's in last week - same thing. She bought her's the same time I bought mine.<br>

    Between this and the focus issues I've read about, the D7000 seems to have it's set of problems. I really love this camera so hearing, and now experiencing, issues is really too bad. I have not been enjoying my D700 as much as my D7000. <br>

    Jordan, I would hope that Nikon warranty's it's repairs for a given amount of time. Maybe just send it back in and ask them to fix it correctly this time. </p>

  8. <p>I think when I get their feedback, I'll ask then. They'll have it Wednesday so by the time they log it and get to it - Wed noon'ish - ha ha - I'll give them a call. I know they've been working on their customer service the last couple of years so it's worth a try.</p>
  9. <p>I completely agree with you Mike! My D7000 is my fun/horse show camera. I also have a D700 that is my real estate camera. Although that one is pretty new and only have about 5000 on it. I'm pretty gentle with my equipment so this is a big bummer to me.</p>
  10. <p>Yep, right click on your image from Bridge, go to File info, click on scheme and it's in there. Much easier than downloading a program to get it. Gives you all kinds of info :) <br>

    Phil - one year warranty on Nikon bodies. I personally think it should be more. When you are paying over $1000 for something - anything - they should have a better warranty than a year. </p>


  11. <p>Funny - no - not the camera strap! I wish - would save me whatever it's going to cost me to fix my poor camera.<br>

    You mean a shutter blade might have scratched the sensor? What would cause that? <br>

    This is the 2nd to last image. The last image I got was pure black. Then that was it. The shutter would click - meaning I could hear the mirror go up and down but not with the speed it usually does when I take a photo. I tried it again after the show when I got home (and away from the dust) and I could see the mirror go up and down when I took the lens off. I didn't notice anything else. I haven't really watched what moves when I push the shutter though - the lens is always on ;) </p>

  12. <p>My D7000 died on me yesterday. This is the 2nd to last frame it took. The last frame was pure black. Any ideas on what it could be? I tried new battery, cards, etc. Sent it off to Nikon today but am curious what happened. The mirror will go up when I press the shutter but that's it. I can't change my settings but the menu works. <br>

    <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7119/7577561720_1a36e6df5f.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="331" /></p>

  13. <i>Mod note: I've highlighted the essential question here, which is <b>not</b> whether prosumer or amateur cameras are suitable for professional use, but specifically <b>which</b> models have these designations according to Nikon. Superfluous replies are being deleted in the interest of clarity.</i><p>


    <p>We're trying to figure this out on another board I frequent. Some are guessing the D700 and up, some say the D80 and up are fine for professional work.<br>

    <b>Is there a catagory of Nikon that lists professional, pro-consumer, ameteur, etc?</b> I didn't find one on Nikon's website.<br>

    Thank you.</p>

  14. Opps!! I've gone over 10,000 - not 1,000. (edited original post)


    Mark - I know because my file names started over from DSC_9999 to DSC_0001.



    mj t - I'm in Preview (Mac) and I don't see the shutter actuation or what might tell me the total pics taken. Tools - Get info - details. Should I be looking elsewhere?


    I also have Photoshop (CS3) and am looking at Bridge prefs (metadata)and don't see what I might turn on here to find the shutter count.

  15. I'm wondering what BW conversion you are using? That might be a big part of the problem. There are a variety of ways to convert.


    I have a black dog, also older and with cancer so prob our last winter as well :-(. I've done fine with the snow and getting his black coat with details. I couldn't tell you how but my D80 tends to underexpose so that may be why.


    Can you post a SOOC? (strait out of camera). I'm sure there is more detail available they you think!


    I'd be happy to help on the bw conversion with you as well. Send me an email if you'd like. Just put black lab in the subject so I know you're not spam.

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