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Posts posted by dusty2004

  1. Hello Michelle. Reading the above it seems you may not be really sure what it is you want. Maybe you should have a think about what you really want to do and then write it down and commit yourself to it. You seem to be bouncing all over the place. Before we can pick fruit from a tree we need to plant it , water it and nurture it. It takes about seven years before it will bear fruit of good quality. Are you prepared to stick at something for a long time? Focus on what you really want, stay focused and do not be distracted. There is great satifaction in achieving a dream, but you must act and learn to overcome all obstacles. Find your dream Michelle and pursue it.
  2. Hello Michelle. It is better to spend time sharpening your axe before you attempt to cut down a tree. The quality of your work is not a reflection of the equipment, but rather a reflection of the knowledge and skill the photographer has aquired. Great photos have been produced with average cameras or lesser. My advice is very simple. Gain knowledge and skill and the wisdom how to apply it. Then you will be able to become proficient with any type of equipment in any given situation. Cheers.
  3. Hello Jesse. I started reading some of the above replies. I stopped because I do not wish to be influenced by their opinions. Instead I am simply going to give you my advice based on my own experience. First of all just because something feels good does not mean it is good. You must ask yourself what do I want to do and purchase the camera that suits your requirements. I know that in todays market with so many choices that is a very difficult task. Too often beginners make the mistake of purchasing a camera far beyond their needs or capabilities. They think if I buy a professional camera they become excellent photographer. Far from it. The most important thing you can aquire is knowledge and the wisdom how to apply it. Think of it this way putting a learner driver in the seat of a racing car does not make him or her a racing driver, does it. Aquire the fundametal of composition, understanidng light. The relationship between colours. Form and lines. Most of this information can be gleaned from this site or from books. But nothing beats personal experience. This means countless hours going out and experimenting and simply having fun with your camera. We learn by having fun. Knowledge is power. A skilled photographer can produce stunning results with basic equipment. Cheers.
  4. Hello Tim, My advice is very simple. Too many novices focus on equipment. The most powerful thing we can have is knowledge and the wisdom of how to apply it. I made the mistake in my earlier years of ammasing equipment.It is more important to know how it works. Gain an understanding of light. As William has mentioned get out and practise. There is a price to pay for excellence. Hoewever, I am willing to teach you all that I know if you are willing to do whatever it takes. If you accept these terms get back to me.
  5. My advice is and will awlways remain the same. Aquire skill and knowledge. There is no need to spend large sums of money on equipment you find out later you did not need. We wrongly think that equipment maketh the photographer. It does not. Great results can be achieved with basic gear and knowledge. Knowledge and the wisdom how to use it is far superior. As my skills improved I realised I could do with far less gear. Better to be master of what you already have. Cheers.
  6. Gentelmen. the law of attraction is very simple. We get what we expect. If you expect little you will get little. As a man thinketh so he shall have. You are what you think you are. So change your thinking. I expect to have many good things come my way. Therefore I have. It works, I know for I experience it every day. Cheers.
  7. A wise man will sharpen his axe before he attempts to cut down a tree. Rather than spend hours on cutting it down with a blunt axe. My thought is that you are better of gaining skills before your focus is on money. Better still focus on producing excellent quality work and the required business skills, then the money will come secondary. Often if we only focus on money we often find we never have any. Remember the love of money.......
  8. I am truly sorry this is happening to you both. I would like to give you a very simple peace of advice.Getting married only takes a day. Staying married takes the rest of your lives. Do not waste time and energy on your photos. Instead focus on each other. You have the memories AND YOUR HUSBAND.If you continue trying to get your way you will most likely loose much in the process. Let mum have her way and I will bet you that at some point she will come around. Don't fall into her trap. This is a power struggle.The most powerful people have no desire for power. I am speaking from experience. Trust me it is not worth it. Focus on YOUR life and don't get involved in petty squabbles.
  9. Hi, many years ago a man took the time to help and advice me. Andrew is his name. He encouraged and inspired me with kind words and fair and constructive critique. I would very much like to have the opportunity to do likewise for others. I feel that I have learned much in the last 35 years and would like nothing better than to pass on some of my knowledge to those that seek to further their skills. My expertise, I have to think about that. I would have to say simply not being afraid to be myself and I certainly don't conform to the norm. Just ask my wonderful wife. She will tell you. Hang on, I know a lot about composition, if this helps you look me up. Cheers.
  10. Hi Adan. Brian has probably given you the best advice. From my own experience I found it best to send them ten by eight high quality photos in a folder, with a cover note. If you have a particular publisher in mind speak to them about what it is you want to do. They will advice you or direct you to a more appropiate publisher. A word of caution. It will be hard work and there will be rejection. Perservere and you will succeed, as I did. The hard work is worth it. It is very satisfying to see ones work in print. Never give up !Cheers.
  11. Stop wasting your time with her. Who needs friends like THAT !!!!!

    Don't throw pearls before swines. Put it down to experience. There are some very ungrateful people out there, sounds to me she is one.

    Your kindness has been wasted on THIS individual, my suggestion is don't stop being kind. Just be wary upon whom you bestow it. Cheers.

  12. Hi Charlie. This is a very competative market. Having sold images myself I have found that the direct approach is the best. Study your prospective client with care and see what they are after. Some are happy to send you out a list of their needs. Send only your best work. Quality rather than quantity. If they want to see more of your work they will ask. Be prepared for rejection but never ever give up. Cheers.
  13. Paul. Photography cannot ever ruin a life. Let me explain. Only we can by the choices we make. If we make bad choice we get bad results and vice versa. Be master of your habits, not be a slave to them. Please define success. It that standing on top of the ladder for all the world to look up at you, only to find that those you love are not standing next to you. They slipped away and you didn't notice. You were too BUSY. I live by many rules that serve me well. One of those is to never to make personal gain at the expense of another. You already know that your family is suffering. The fact that you posted this question here, there must be doubt about what you are doing. Listen to your heart Paul. I was only speaking to my wife a few days ago and said that I have no doubt that I could make a career out of photography. However, I said that our marriage comes before my own personal glory. Focus on your family and friends is my advice. Will your camera comfort you in time of need. I doubt it. I am speaking from hard earned experience Paul and don't say these things lightly.
  14. Wendy, they say that a woman's intuition is very rarely wrong. You should have paid attention to your gut feelings. Be wary of those who flatter. Actions speak louder than words. In your case she should have put the money on the table in full. No you are not dumb Wendy. So next time listen to your heart and you will feel much better. Small price you have paid for getting much wisdom. Cheers.
  15. Good choice. Good to see you paying attention to the good advice given to you. I too learned with a very basic camera. The most important thing for you is to aquire knowledge. Knowledge is power. Great works have been produced by people with basic cameras but with great knowledge. Then there are those with great cameras little knowledge and well, I think you can fill in the rest. My best wishes to you and may photography bring you joy and happiness. Cheers.
  16. My thought is to cherish all people whilst they are alive. I would hate the thought of someone looking at my picture at my funral, but wouldn't give me the time of day whilst I was alive. Better to give five minutes of your time when they are alive than one hour at a funeral. Bit late then. So folks if you haven't told someone today that you love them maybe now is a good time. No time like the present.

    Just a thought.

  17. The very fact that you ask this question is the answer to your question. At this point in time I would not accept the offer. If you want to remain friends that is. It seems that you have not as yet aquired the skills or the confidence for that matter to take on this important task. This is a huge responsibility and you have a duty to your friends to produce nothing but the best. Have you got what it takes. Can you handle the unexpected, the unknown, will you know what to do. Enjoy the wedding as a guest and by all means take pictures and ask the professional if you can assist him or her in exchange

    for some pointers. Let me put it another way. Would you allow a brain surgeon to operate on you if he posted the following question. I have been asked to operate on Mr. Wing Gee I have had little experience and ....................... OOOpsss. Sorry about that. Next please.

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