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Image Comments posted by djcinsb



    Hi. I wanted to give you just a little feedback on the 3 score I gave you a few minutes ago -- mainly because I hate getting a 3 without any feedback from the critique giver. I think this is a very interesting and striking photograph, and with just a little tweaking, it could be a bit stronger. My main issue with it is that the lighting is so blown out on the central person in the image that I find it distracting. That is why I rated it a 3 on aesthetics. If there had been just a very slight touch of detail on the face there, I would not have had this problem, and would have rated it differently.


    Of course, there are others that like that stark effect on this type of image, and would rate it higher accordingly. That is different from my tastes, but I can see where such a higher rating could be received. So don't take the 3 as a totally negative thing -- it's just an issue of personal preferences.

  1. I think this would be a stronger picture if you cropped the right side so that the white object on the upper right was not in the picture, but the track from the chair was still part of the image. That would put the people more on the right, rather than centered, and, since they are heading to the left, as are the curves from the tracks, it would lead the viewer's eye back into the picture.


    Just an idea!

    White Peacock


    This is a very nice photo, but I find it marred by the background. If you had the opportunity to take it again, I'd suggest not having the person in the background, and playing around with depth of field to make the background much less sharp.


    Just a few suggestions!

    Pretty in pink

    Very attractive picture. I find the background shadow (a window frame?) a bit distracting -- if you could lighten or remove it the image would be even better, I think.

    Canal Grande..


    This very nearly looks like a painting -- great job!


    Were it my image, I'd experiment with cropping a bit off the bottom so that the sky fills a larger percentage of the picture. Just an idea -- this is nearly perfect as it is.


    Very nice. I think it might improve slightly if you could somehow make the snail draw focus better -- I didn't see it on first glance on the critique forum, because the image there was reduced in size. But overall, this is a very interesting shot!
  2. Even though there are lots of little things I don't like about this picture -- the lit rider looking away being one of the biggest -- I liked the silouette imagery enough to solicit other folks' opinions. Thanks for commenting!
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