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Image Comments posted by giancarlo-lucerni



    Perfect image, great definition, optimal point of view, this bug seems

    a metal robot; it is sure that it does not arrive from an other


    Phase II


    Simply Perfect, great harmony of color equilibrium, definition and

    point of view. Splendid demonstration of as the macro it is

    transformed in poetic art

  1. Immagine drammatica, sembra la foto di un reportage di Guerra, le rovine delle case sono contornate dalle dolci curve di una strada che forse porta verso un futuro di speranza.Ma è anche un invito a cambiare la nostra vita.Amo

    questa tua realise perchè come altre tue opere và oltre l'estetica e l'originalità.

    Ciao Alberto.





    La imagen dramática, se parece la foto de un reportage de la guerra, las ruinas de las casas es contornate de las curvas dulces de un camino que quizás puerta hacia un futuro de la esperanza. Pero es también yo invita para cambiar nuestra vida. Amo este el tuyo realizo porqué como otros sus trabajos del và más allá de estético y de la originalidad. Hola Alberto





    The dark color of the sky and the sea makes from background to reflected the warm and golden light from ancient stones. Still one beautifulst image with strong contrasts of lights and colors.


    Natural mirror


    Mi mancano le parole , semplicemente meraviglioso.


    The words lack me, simply wonderful .


    Les mots me manquent, c'est tout simplement merveilleux.

  2. The rays of light are the secret of this wonderfull image !

    The concept of "Art" is visibly very subjective, and I ask me how an beautifull image like this one hasn't have received a better impression. Maybe it haven't been understand.

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