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Image Comments posted by anil_patial

  1. It is a great shot.  May be there is also slightly different composition to this shot.  Personally, I would like to see the contrast in different composition...  I would increase brightness of foreground and instead reduce brightness of sky.  Also crop-out sky little bit more.  Crop out right side bit more and if original shot has space to left - keep that.

    But that is just me,  very good efforts, good luck.




    I guess your other shots of moon are more aesthetic than this one. I would ask myself one simple question, what is it about the moon that photographer is trying to express in this shot..texture? color? shape ????





    Beautifull colors. However, If I have to ask myself what is the subject of this photo. It will not be single answer. I guess the subject is not very well expressed whatever it is..green rocks of the insect.




  2. Its a great shot! However, In my opnion, the horizontal branch actually blocks the eye movement and also is distraction to main suject(mountain range). Therefore, I would personaly crop it from bottom edge to make simple.


    Great work again.

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