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Posts posted by muphin

  1. Hi Mag,


    I have read a lot of different opinions on both lenses. For now I have chosen to get the widest of both, for the landscapes I

    work in ask for more wideangle. But the 65 is on my list.


    Thanks Anyway!


  2. Hi all,


    I recently got a beautiful C220 and now I'm trying to get a few lenses. And that goes well: I already have the 180 super, the 105, and

    recently I bought the 55mm/4.5.



    When using the diafragm ring on the 55, I run into a problem: the lever hits the metal of the lens holder, so I can use it only in f/22.

    Changing the diafragm into f/16 or lower cannot be done without using force.



    I bet this is not normal. What am I doing wrong? Sorry if this is a stupid Question...






    Thanks ,


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