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Posts posted by paul_mullins

  1. <p>Another vote for the EF 70-200 f/4 IS from me. I use it primarily for landscape purposes with a 5D MkII. Lugging around an f/2.8 as well as other lenses all day does fill me with joy. I also use it with the 1.4x TC and find it a wonderful lens. </p>
  2. <p>I know this is a Canon EOS forum and this is sacrilege, and I do use a 5DII, and I'm sorry but, I did pick up an X100S a few months ago and really enjoy its capabilities and also its portability. I just keep it in my work bag all the time and hardly notice it's there. Keith's comment on the battery drain is also a problem with the S version as well, I've noticed it on many occasion saying full battery and then shortly after running dry. Using it on JPEG very handy as the AWB is great, and must confess I like the Velvia and Sepia settings. I find it's very useful as a second camera when I'm travelling.<br>

    <a title="Yuanyang #2 by Paul Mullins, on Flickr" href=" Yuanyang #2 src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5444/13606563714_18fac81b42_z.jpg" alt="Yuanyang #2" width="640" height="427" /></a> <a title="Assorted Vessels by Paul Mullins, on Flickr" href=" Assorted Vessels src="https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3692/12468750203_074f513536_z.jpg" alt="Assorted Vessels" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>

  3. <p>Thank you Patrick. It's a vast place, I've only managed to get there twice so far, but would love to get back again and see some more. Fortunately it's relatively close to me here in Malaysia, but still mysterious nonetheless. </p>
  4. <p>A couple from Kuching at the weekend. The first is the Dewan Undangan Negeri Building which is the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building taken from the Esplanade just after sun down. The second is a reflection that caught my eye.</p><div>00bbp5-535305584.JPG.89c51cb6e68686248b7aba06429bff94.JPG</div>
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