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Posts posted by ifti

  1. <p>I played with it and did not buy it instead bought 135mm Nikkor. It is too heavy to be a good portrait lens and not long enough for birds. This is good for indoor sports. I dont think it is for architecture unless you want to a portion with tele to show details. I have no experience with D700 so cant say much. Good luch. Regards, ifti. </p>
  2. <p>Home owners insurance covers it. It depends what deductible one has taken. Some stole my lap top that is few years ago and my deductible was 100 they paid me to buy equivalent laptop and I had to just send receipt to them. They did not care what brand I bought as long it had same hardware profile.<br>

    I don't know if that also works for professional photographer? </p>

  3. <p>On cannon I have used 85mm 1.2 with amazing results. On Nikon I have used 85mm 1.8, 90 mm Tamron and the the lens I am most impressed with is 135mm AF-DC Nikkor, It has defocus image control ring. It is sharp and it literally melts the BG. Regards, ifti.</p>
  4. <p>Digital stuff gets outdated, outmoded and and looses its charm along with software support. It is difficult to achieve a 'cult' status when it depends on so many external players.<br>

    I sill have original Kodak Digital Science DC50 and latter a DC60 camera with a 4 megabyte card. Now there is no software support and even the computers will not load there pictures that I have on CD. I have kept both of these as they were the first cameras that gave some decent small picture. They just remind me as to how far we have come. Regards, ifti.</p>

  5. <p>Nikkor 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 G ED VR has given me sharp pictures. I have used it for:<br>

    1: Portraits in well lit living room.<br>

    2: Flowers picture and at times it is better and more convenient than my macro lens (Tamron 90mm).<br>

    3: For my bird shots that are at a reasonable distance with remarkable details. I ignore the birds out of reach for this lens. (I am not going to get 500mm lens ever).<br>

    I have only one sigma lens 135-400 and that after few uses have stayed in the closet.<br>

    To me this is a best lens with very good quality at its price. I am an amatuer in photography. Regards, ifti</p>

  6. <p>Instead of 85mm consider 135mm 2 AF-DC for portraits I have 105 micro but was not happy with portraits. It is great for macros.</p>
  7. <p>The answer depends what type of photography takes bulk of your time. For my hobby:<br>

    Most cost effective: 18-200VR bought with original D200 and after I have bought bunch of other lenses, this is the one I use most with great tresults.<br>

    Least cost effective 90mm VR Macro played with it for a while but it just stays on shelf.</p>

    <p>Regards, ifti</p>

  8. <p>I have had a good trip with 18-200 VR It is great for out door not that great in low light unless you use flash. It is not too heavy. Dis carry a 50 mm 1.8 with me for indoor available light. This was easy to carry and did most what I wanted to do. Regards ifti</p>
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