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Image Comments posted by jeff_rubin2

  1. I'm guessing this is an HDR image. I can imagine that the single exposure was drab, but perhaps a compromise would improve it. A bit less tone-mapping might improve the mood while still revealing some detail the single exposure would have missed. I like the composition and can understand why you took the shot.



    An offensive pole was cloned out, and the obvious single color scheme

    is sometimes overdone. But this scene is nearly as it was experienced

    on a gray day on Isle of Skye. Thanks for looking.



    This is art and more. It moves, haunts, stirs emotion.


    Criticism of the art "form" comes I think from the same school that believes a jagged pencil line on a piece of paper is a masterpiece because it was done by Matisse.


    Is oil more artistic than watercolor? Cubism more artistic than impressionism? The "who" and "how" carry too much weight in the minds of many. Some probably think less of this because it was captured on silicon instead of celluloid. The cavemen must have rolled over in their graves upon the advent of canvas!


    Congrats, Lars. Wish I could do that. Keep them coming!

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