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Posts posted by jcg23

  1. <p><strong>Josh see this.. you aren't suppose to get an average until 5 ratings have been given</strong></p>

    <p><strong>''Why isn't the average showing up yet?</strong> - The average (and the names of those who have rated your image) will not show up until there are enough ratings to be meaningful. Currently this number is 5.''</p>

    <p>I see my average being calculated even after 2 and changing after that.. so hence the question..</p>

  2. Hi again



    Yes I agree about photo.net having mutlifunctional roles and thats why I come here..I don't just use photo,net as my photo sharing website thats what my home page is for... but I would like it to look a little more slick anyways.


    I agree with Jeff the lack of balance adn form in the front page is very suprising to me considering that it is a photographers website, one expects the quality of photo.nets images to be reflected in the design of the front page and that at presnt is not coming across,



  3. I think the website looks cluttered and amateurish.


    You seem to have lost an identity for the site, it looks like all the other ones

    I visit.

    I think you should look carefully at the font page as it it the first thing

    people view and impressions are made very quickly.


    Besides my own personal website, People use photo.net to see my images as they

    goodle me and end up here as well ....so it does reflect on me as well as well

    and I am not happy with the new look. Particuarly the flashing adverts, it looks

    tacky for my visitors.


    Jane Goodall

  4. I hope that you will carefully read my arguement below to see if I can persuade you that manipulation done in an appreciative way can really be be beneficial in representating the true likeness of the subject and allow you to express yourself more artistically. Not only that it can make a great image from a reasonably good one.

    First of all, film modifies the image tone and colour, thats why velvia is such a popular choice for landscape photgraphers. There is nothing pure about it. People elect different film for differnt looks so you are already enhancing/ modifying the image.


    Second of all and most importantly if you are shooting JPG from your digital camera, you are using all the preset in camera adjustments (which vary from camera make to camera make) which enhance , modify colour and tone and especially sharpness.


    So by not choosing to manipulate your shots you are just following the manufacturers settings (like a sheep!, I'm sorry if this comes across as rude) anyway which on AVERAGE are trying to give the general public a pleasing image. The manufacturer do not know what you were looking at, the colour tones you are trying to capture the subtley of the landscape etc.


    If you want to get the pure digital data, then converting from the raw digital data is for you.

    If you convert from raw then you are more in control of your images, you are not a slave to the cameras preset interpretations.


    The human eye perceives colour range and contrast equisitely differnt from a digitals sensor whose dynamic range of brightness to perception of colour is not the same as our brain. As humans, our colour perception is extrememly highly tuned and on the whole we are dissapointed when we see the image the digital camera gives. But the information is there we just need to tweak it to give the image the authenticity it deserves


    i.e It is our job to take the raw image and transform it into the vision that we saw with our eyes.


    Jane Goodall

  5. Hi,


    My friends are doing a dance show for 2 nights .. its low key,

    friends and family tend to go.. but going to be staged at a proper

    performance studio with lights etc..


    They were going to have noone taking pictures but would like

    photos.. I said I could come along to the dress rehearsal which will

    be lit with the effects and try and take some pictures. I have made

    it clear that i have NO experience and most likely the images will

    be unusable but if i get lucky they might get the odd picture .



    I was wondering if I have any chance with the gear I have got, I

    didn't buy this gear with doing this in mind but I like to try new



    135mmL ... fat chance of getting anything usable except if i go for

    the moments when they stop moving, which they do occasionally ( for

    my skills that is)


    what about the 24-105 IS F4 ...aperture too small?


    I have the 17-40mm but again its F4. I can get close at the rehersal


    any ideas guys, renting is out of the question for cambridge. it

    just doesn't happen.



    any useful links or advice


    much appreciated



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