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Image Comments posted by llmswamy

    Tide Pool


    or should I name it "Good bye 5D" ?

    I knew this place from long time and waiting for right time. I wanted to

    shoot this tide pool same composition but with sunset clouds reflection

    in the pool. As clouds above does not have much color, short of taking

    this shoot, I moved other end of tide pool where I found some star fish.

    To nice perspective and get starfish right size in the frame, I had to

    setup the camera little lower than I usually do near ocean. I had been

    watching wave average reach and thought I can retreat the camera in

    the event of big splash. All was set and I was doing my final

    adjustments then came first wave, I lifted the camera high and was

    trying to stand-up and then came next splash drenched me from the

    head. I ran back to my back-pack for dry towels which I always

    carry...and to my dismay, there are no towels in my back-pack.

    I came back to car and cleaned water.

    All compartments of camera looks dry, but camera goes on continues

    shutter release for about ten/twelve times and freezes with 'err 99'.

    my lens seems to be fine, no visual water effect yet. But its saltwater,

    so I don't want to take any chance and sending both to canon service

    center. Well, its part of nature photography, isn't it.



    Wonderful image. I like the original as is. Shadows are really adding the depth and I like the softness as well (sharpness takes away snowy feeling from the image).

    Kudos. -Swamy

  1. thanks for comments and ratings.

    Zion narrows is great place; particularly during fall season. Every turn offers a spectacular scenary. Its about 5 to 6 miles RT from gateway to Ordervile junction.

    60 to 65% of time you will be walking in water. For most of the shot, will be standing in the water as well. So about 80-90% of time, your feet will be in 40-45 degree water. I heard about some spectacular places with in a mile from Ordervile junction, but one needs to be prepared with full dry suite (and dry bag for camera) to cross ordervile, as there are about 5 feet deep pools to cross. -Swamy


    Hell on Earth


    Fantastic sky. You handled the exposure very well both in sky and reflection.

    Here are some suggestions that might help enhancing the beauty of this scene

    1. If you reduce brightness in foreground rocks. it might look even beautiful.

    2. Top left corner looks little dark. you may want to correct that

    3. you may want to clone out the street lights (may be wires as well).


    Kudos for great image.



  2. Enrico,

    Welcome to PN. Great start with wonderful image. low hanging clouds are fantastic; well captured. There seems little viggnet visible in the sky; make sky look uneven; you may want correct that.




  3. I spent 9 hours in narrows last Monday. Its a mesmerizing beauty.

    Every turn of virgin river in the canyon brings a surprise.

    6 1/2 days later, my feet are still numb from this hike. this time of the

    year water was darn cold.

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