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Image Comments posted by seanonel



    Firstly thank you for your very kind comment on my image. At the end of the day, I am more pleased if my images evoke an emotional response in a person than just one of aesthetic appreciation only. Some of the best images can be entirely visceral in my opinion.


    This is a really great image which causes the viewer took explore and ask questions. Who? What? When? Where? Why? You've thoughtfully thought out the composition too and have controlled the exposure on the snow well. A pleasure to look at.


    Take care,


    Greenwich Park.


    Hi Jim,


    Yes it was taken in colour. I converted to B&W in my RAW converter. After I did that, I pushed up the shadow contrast and slightly decreased the highlight contrast to avoid blown highlights.


    Thanks very much for taking the time.


    Much appreciated.





    Super image. So much to explore here... Love the use of monochrome and the foreground point of interest. Could be an album cover...


    Take care


  1. Very nicely done Sondra. I am big fan of both IR and skies that have been heavily dodged and burned. In fact I love shooting on overcast days for this reason!! My only criticism here would be that the lighting on the ground appears to be a little too bright for the sky above. I think that this could easily be corrected with a gradient layer mask...


    Take care Sondra...


    This is beautiful. Simple, yet effective. You've controlled the light well here and the composition is perfect...
  2. Ben, your work is truly inspiring. It is obvious that you take great care in creating your images, and just makes me realise how much I still have to learn. Then again, it also makes me want to leave London now and move to Scotland! I was there two weeks ago...


    This image is fantastic. Compositionally, I cannot fault it. My only little nitpick would be that the 'closest' part of the stream is a little too bright for my taste. I feel that it is slightly distracting and pulls the eye away from the rest of the image, in particular the tree.


    Otherwise, it is perfect! Congratulations...




    Trafalgar SQ


    Piotr this is superb. I'm sure you would have had to have used a tripod for this. How on earth did you manage to set one up without being questioned by all the police?! Two of my friends as well as myself have been stopped under the terrorist act just for taking pictures of well-known tourist attractions. I know if I pulled a tripod out that I would get into trouble! Anyway, I digress... I think the panoramic view here really captures the essence of London. Also, B&W is the right choice IMHO.


    Super image.


    Take care


    Greenwich Park.


    Taken in Greenwich Park with the next best thing I have to a macro

    lens: my cheap but trusty 50mm. I was happy with the way this came

    out. Got some strange looks from the picnic-ers though...



    This is really nicely done Chris. I have taken literally hundreds of images of this area, but haven't quite used this perspective before. The image is balanced with strong shapes and good contrast. Also you have managed to avoid those little sailboats! I might have a look at this spot this evening.


    BTW You've almost managed to get my flat in the shot!!


    Take care


    No news...


    Please would you critique/comment on this for me? I am striving hard

    to get pleasing images that are not overly processed. All polite

    comments are appreciated.



    Sorry, I don't get it.


    If people feel something is meaningless and void of value, then that is their viewpoint. A sentence like that would best be prefixed by something like "I feel...". To say that something definitely is such, is blatant assumption.


    For me, the image conjurs up all types of possible situations and events which allows me to explore with my heart and imagination and not just my head filled with its technical data. The photographer has combined their obvious post-processing skill with a well thought out, well worked image. Achieving this image with such modest equipment (as mentioned earlier) is a great feat. I think its wonderful...



    Chris, this is wonderful. Love the perfect DOF and the saturation in colours here. Clarity is superb.


    Thanks very much for your kind comments on my new portfolio. I have a very long way to go, but eagerly anticipating every step forward.


    Take care,




    I like this. In the Elves' disclaimer, they specifically state that the selection of the POW image does not necessarily make it the best in show just that it is worthy of discussion. So to comment on it's worthiness as a recipient of a POW 'accolade' is a non-starter IMHO.


    Interesting? Yes. Worthy of discussion? Yes!


    Bearing in mind that I respect every photographer's perspective as their own, I would like to point out not what I feel is weak in this image, but where I feel this already strong portrait could be made even stronger.


    I feel that the balance - as others have mentioned - would be better if biased towards the model. Cropping the structure by half would dramatically focus our attention to the lady. The highlight could be slightly toned down I feel.


    Secondly, I feel that if her eyes showed some white on either side of the iris (if she was looking at the camera directly) the image would have more impact.


    Other than that I love the toning, perspective, and vision of this.



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