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Posts posted by rob_meyer3

  1. Yes I am sure you are worth it and much more! I am fairly new to this new hobbie but I am impressed at how nice every one is on this forum and willing to give of their time and talents to those of us that are learning.


    Thanks again!

  2. These are all great helpful tips! I am very surprized at how fast and how many of you are willing to help at no charge!


    I have never shot RAW yet. I think I will shoot a few at my sons track meet this week end and see what happens?


    The group shot is not until the end of this month.



    Thanks allot!!

  3. I have been asked to shoot a group photo for our church youth group of around 100

    kids. I have a Cannon Rebel XTI with a EF 17-35 F4L lens. I take allot of sports

    photos with my 70-200 2.8 but this group photo is new to me. I would like the

    photo to have good clearity so you can see every one's face if possible. Do you

    have any tricks or tips you could offer? Aperature settings? The lighting should be

    pretty good at around 10:AM in the morning but should I use a flash also?


    Please help!





  4. I love my new Rebel XT with the 70-200 2.8! I need a good photo work shop

    program to edit pictures, make slide shows with music, audio and video into

    DVD's. I have been using Sony's Vegas DVD but when I render the show the

    quality is very poor. Please help me know what you use and give any

    recommendations you can!




    Rob Meyer, Soldotna Alaska

  5. I have recently bought a Rebel xt with a 70-200 2.8 & a 17-85 IS lens.

    I love the 70-200! I am not having very good luck with the 17-85. The

    pictures are not as focused and as sharp as I would like. Outside they are

    better than inside. Up close shots are great but land scape and group shots

    are blurry and not very sharp.

    Can anyone give me some pointers on how to shoot this lens inside and out?

    I shoot mostly in the P mode and set my ISO to 100 out side and 400 inside.


    Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!


    Rob Meyer in Alaska

  6. After much study and reading your many threads I am ready to buy a

    Rebel Xt body with a Canon 70-200 IS lens. Can some one help me

    decide where I should buy? And do you any of you have possitive feed

    back on the combination of the camer and lens? Will I be happy? I

    want to shoot my kids playing soccer outside and basket ball inside.

    The lens is more $ than I wanted to pay for but I do not want to

    spend money on a lens that I will not be happy with.


    Thank you in advance for any advice you may have!

  7. I have just bought a Rebel XT with Sigma 28-70MM f/2.8-4.0 High speed

    compact zoom Aspherical auto focus and a Sigma 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6

    Macro Super II SLD auto focus. I am new to the photo world and do

    not know what all those numbers mean! I need a good lens for taking

    sports pictures of my kids playing basket ball and volly ball and one

    for walk around family and scenery photes. I paid $600 for each lens.

    I have been shooting the 28-70 for a few days of family and

    snowboarding on the mountain. About 20% of my shots are blurred. The

    quality of the photos are not as good as I had hoped! I have been

    using the basic settings on the camera have not learned how to us the

    creative zones yet! I have not shot the 70-300 yet.

    Do I blame it on the Sigma lens or the camera operator? I am excited

    to learn about this camera and take some great shots, I have 7 days

    to return the Sigma lenses if I do not like them. I wanted Canon

    Image Stablelization but the sales man at Expresscameras.com talked

    me into these. Should I keep them or trade for Canon lens?

    Please help!

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