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Posts posted by mwaks

  1. <p>I found my old Canon G1 laying around in a closet. It was put on the market Sept 2000. It's the first of the high end 3.3 megapixel point & shoots. Anybody think it will become a valuable collectors item in the next 10 years?</p>
  2. <p>Well that part about no ram limit at 64bit is interesting. I had to make seperate fills on some panos because trying to do it all at once did not have enough ram. I discovered that in preferances CS by default uses slightly less the 2gb of ram in my computer with 6gb ram. I'm not sure how much I should boost CS5's use of memory without hitting stability issues.</p>
  3. <p>Oh, this is all too deep for me. I value honest opinions to filter out what works and what don't. When someone likes something so much that they give me cash for it, that may perhaps be the biggest complement. "anonymously in public"? I beleve credit is due to those who deserve it.</p>
  4. <p>Nature has wired our brains to compute and assign color to what we see. It's natures way of aiding us to identify things. Black and white imagery started out that way because of technological limitations in assigning color information. In doing so we discover that from an artistic stand point things seem more interesting. Seeing things in shades of grey makes us pay more attention to lines, textures and shadows. It forces us to see things differently when not distracted by our brains having to think about colors.</p>
  5. <p>Only you know what lens actually suits you. Nobody has a clue except the end user who forks over the money. Most everyone else will recommend the lens that most suits themselves. I suggest you strongly think about what it is you actually want to do and proceed from there.</p>
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