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Posts posted by cindy_porter2

  1. I'm having a crazy thought? I would like to start designing/manufacturing fine

    art custom made wedding albums. I am an American photographer living in South

    Africa and there is a shockingly bad selection and quality of wedding albums here.


    I would really like to recess mount the photos similar to cypress?s design where

    the album pages are die cut and the photo attached behind the cut-out shape so

    the photos have a much more elegant presentation then double sided tape or

    sticky photo corners. Does anyone know what equipment I would need to do this?

    I've searched online for die-cutting machines but it seems like giant

    industrial ones are the only things that come up which is far more than what I

    would need. Also what might be the best photo-sensitive, archival glue to use?


    Thanks for your help on this one!



  2. Thanks everyone for your input. I've called both carriers and it doesn't seem to be a problem as long as I check it in with my normal checked luggage. I have the sneaking suspicion that they had no idea what I was talking about, so better safe than sorry. Also great suggestion of putting it in a plastic bag just in case. I have some heavy duty freezer bags that should do the trick. I'm also planning to label the outside of my luggage that there is a sealed lead acid battery inside, so it's obvious i'm not trying to sneak anything through. i'll also attach the instruction sheets to the battery in case who ever inspects needs to turn it on, etc... I appreciate all your advice. Thanks!
  3. I recently purchased the alien bees vagabond portable power system

    which is a sealed lead acid battery and weighs close to 30 pounds.

    Has anyone else tried to transport this or a similar product on an

    international flight? I can't seem to get a clear answer from the

    airlines on whether this is allowed. I will be travelling Delta and

    South African Airways. Also, were you able to take this on as a

    carry-on? Thanks in advance for your insight.

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