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Posts posted by odama

  1. <p>I have both Fuji F30 and F100FS, still working with no problems. Looking at the first X100 images, I find it handsome. I want to have one in my hands for trial. I have a Leica X1 too, the fact the Fuji has a non collapsible lens is very nice, we don't loose time for a quick photo. I hope it will take crisp images and good high ISO perfomance.</p>
  2. <p>Hi Rex,<br>

    Hope to see more, but I found that you have a problem when loading your Alpa shots on this post. The images are more compressed on the horizontal dimension than they should be. What Alpa 12 model are you using?<br>

    Kind regards,<br>


    <p> </p>

  3. <p>I found the new M9 and X1 as visually appealing cameras. I want to buy the M9 next February-March, but one thing I've to say, I don't like the new M brochure photos (taken in Cuba), the sky is always burned and the colours aren't real.<br>

    I'm used to my D-Lux4 and very happy with it. Hope I´ll be happy with the M9 too. Why did Leica show us those unrealistic photos on their new M brochure?</p>

  4. <p>I think the alternative Hasselblad with some movements was the ArcBody. A very nice and expensive medium format camera (HBlad ended its production on 2002). When it was available, I liked a lot that camera with the 35 mm f4.5 Rodenstock Apo-Grandagon. But the SWC is still a great performer as we can see by that shot. Congrats Paul,<br>


  5. <p>Hi Ton,<br>

    As I liked a lot shooting with my wife's D Lux3, now I've got the D Lux4, titanium coloured. I know price is higher than the black version, but when you look at the D Lux4 case prices, this coloured version has its own case included. And its a very nice compact camera.<br>

    I bought it last friday, May 15, 2009. Hope to put a few images on my gallery soon. What drived my attention on it was the wider lens face to the D Lux3, a real improvement, I don't need a bigger zoom range.<br>

    I'm not going to buy the viewfinder as I find it too expensive and obtrusive. My option will be the flash, have already ordered it.<br>



  6. <p>Hi Martin,<br>

    I don't know if you checked the Mamiya 7II:<br>

    <a href="http://www.mamiya.com/mamiya-7-ii.html#ProductOverview">http://www.mamiya.com/mamiya-7-ii.html#ProductOverview</a><br>

    It's a very honest camera, you can take panoramic shots (as the Xpan) of course the Fuji has a bigger format, but it's also heavier than the Mamiya. That's one of my favourite itens to buy. It is a versatile camera, not so heavy, so you can go travel with one, without the weight & volume problem that you get with the View camera or Fuji 617.<br>

    You should get one for trial. Just a thought.</p>

  7. I bought my S100FS on last April,10. Since that I use it most of time for casual photo and it's ok for me.

    I really don't like to read manuals, I found it simple to use and putting my old Metz flash on it I get nice results for interior photos. That's what I think about the S100FS, considering its price it's a honest camera. I don't know why, sometimes the Metz doesn't start - then I start everything again, like Windows, but on most interior situations I use the external flash a lot and I get good results. I tried the S100FS flash but it's not enough. I find the ISO specs ok, no complaints about it.

    The bigger sensor size compared to the ones used on most compact cameras, the film mode, the lens range, the price, that were the main reasons to get it. I could spend more money buying a DSLR, but I don't want (yet) to put the money on such cameras, the evolution is too fast... Maybe the new D700 or the 5D substitute... the specs are very nice. I still shoot 120 film for landscape when I have time...


    I don't use the Fuji software, just ACDSee, Lightroom, CS3, iPhoto, whatever. I prefer to shoot ok than spend my time with computer software, just little crops, rotate, highlights, tonality adjustments on a very moderate scale.

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