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Image Comments posted by calebcondit


    I love the tonality of this shot. I want to see the rest of the story with this one. I also think it's essential that you have to spend a bit of time to understand what's what in this one. Keep up the good work.


    This looks like Spectra polaroid film in tonality and the general softness of the shot. I think it works well for the colors and what you're going for here. Pretty fantastic if you ask me. It's good to see unique work around here.

    Terresita 2

    Looks like a good copy, but holy flashdance! That soft filter effect is glamour-liscious and takes me back to my big sister's senior portrait. Bring it back I say, BRING IT BACK!
  1. Wow,


    I guess I've been way busy, and haven't looked at these comments in months. These were really meant to be viewed much larger than you see here. When you see them at 13x19 and larger you get a better sense of what's going on. He's actually a friends neighbor and we always talked over the fence and the older lady was always looking at us having parties/bbq and glaring a bit. Thanks all for taking a look. Good to see that some people appreciate something out of the ordinary.



    shot from a moving bus between madrid and granda, Spain. The color

    shifts are from the reflection of colors inside the bus...a nice

    suprise I think. you can see the rest


  2. once again...i love it. I think your headshot type portraits are my fav's. They're simple and quite effective. There's little treatment to get in the way of the imagery and communication. Keep it up.
  3. you are definitely entitled to an opinion, but the "underexposed" background makes the foreground pop. It is expertly lit and it communicates. Photography is about communicating an idea and should be aesthetically pleasing...It does have a plastic sort of texture, but that doesn't make it any less valid. Just as I'm not exactly a fan of birds eating bugs, if it's well shot, it's well shot. I'm just happy that for once there's a bit of content in a photo that communicates and very well. You may not like the style, but you can't say it's not well lit. It seems to be very intentional, all that was done to this photo.
  4. finally a photo of the week that I truly think it pushing some limits and adding a good dose innovation. Not that landscapes and hunting birds aren?t marvelous, but this is a bit outside the box and has doses of emotion mixed in, making it very unique. Congrats.

    ve red

    Critique and asking for critique is not the same as fishing for compliments, or asking for praise. I personally don't feel like this is that great of a photo, and would tell you if I felt that...but I would also offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, which many don't. I think that the lighing is interesting, but it's really not saying anything...remember content is everything. It can be beautiful, well lit, but needs to communicate. That's why you're gettting 3's, not because people are haters- some people just have different taste and different quality standards. I must say I appreciate it more than the latest loon eating a fish photo for the 1 billionth time, but that's why I would give it a 4, not a 2.
  5. The balance in this photo is not an obvious one. It is not based off of the environment-that would have been too easy. The eye of the photographer balances the centerline of the building with the human in the photo-they are equally off the center of the photograph, giving it balance and symmetry. Had the woman not been in the photograph, I would agree with those who talked about symmetry and this photo needing more. The building and the person equally draw your attention being opposites, black and white in tonality (more or less, I didn't put my eyedropper on it to make sure it was a true 255:)
  6. I would say this is the strongest out of the 3 in this series. I think the work you've done of Emily is also in general more interesting than the rest. I love shooting random textures, but you seem to have more vested in these photos. If she's your significant other, kudos for being able to get great photos. That's my personal struggle. I can take photos of anyone and get decent results, except for when I shoot my girlfriend.

    Space Egg

    I like the tonality and the idea, but the drill bit at the bottom really distracts as well as the light to dark transition that seems to break suddenly almost at the top of the photo. I really like this idea, though, just would tweak it a bit.



    me gusta, a ver si comunico esto bien, como ingles es mi primera idioma.

    Me gusta este idea y quiero ver mas, en mas situaciones, lugares y texturas con este signo cada vez. Como una serie seria interesante para mi.

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