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Image Comments posted by aclokwerk



    nice shoot man, the only thing I might suggest is crop the photo to show more water or more sky. as well as running it through Photoshop with auto levels. Just a thought



    The only thing i might do different is a panorama crop to show the coast line a little more rather than the clouds just a thought.

    Formal Pose 2

    well this is an 8x10 crop of the orginal cut down by 2/3 orgianl size orginaly I wanted more back ground but decided to crop it down but I will try your suggestion next time thanks...

    Formal pose

    I've done one so far for a friend my camera broke the week they got married so I used the stores 30D.Took me a while to get use to the settings and controls...So i bought one and love it to death. I've been asking all my friends to let me know if they know anyone getting hitched so i can get some more practice...Thats whay I talked my friend into letting me do some head shots for her. Thanks for the advice.

    Formal pose

    Thanks I love the lens but it is taking a while to get used to the soft focus feature...Lovely portfolio...any advice on wedding photos im thinking of getting started as well...


    ive have taken 60 photos of jelly fish but only one or two even come out.... i love the shadows and highlights ...what shutter speed etc did you use

    Kerkini Lake

    The only thing i could recomend is to either crop to one side or the other the setup is great but i think just one bench would be better. and perhaps shade the lens a little while shooting in direct sun light I have the same problem.... Good luck E. webber
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