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Image Comments posted by francescorizzato



    Thanks Ruud for your kind comment!

    It's funny, this is one of the very first pictures I have taken with a SLR and also the lens I used is far from being a quality one, but still I like it a lot.

    I think I should go back to this spot one day and check if I can do better

  1. John, I absolutely understand your point of not wanting to post-process this photo. Pls do not get me wrong, I actually did not thing that it needed any post-processing at all. Just when I post a critique I always try to think about something that could make a photo even better, cause I believe that is more useful than just saying "great shot, congratulations". But yours is indeed a great photo as it is :-)

    I would be interested to know the story behind this shot. You mentioned you just saw a guy drinking a beer on the street and some people around him recommended to take a photo. Well that sounds really nice but my experience with street photography is that it is really hard to find somebody who likes to be photographed by a stranger. I am myself quite new to street photography and most of the shots end up being of people from the back... And even like this I got more than once pretty nasty glances by people who felt I was invading their privacy

    Red Umbrella


    Thanks Maurizio and William for your critiques! Can you also share with me your ideas on how this photo could have been improved?

    I am quite new to street photography and I think this is one of my best shots so far in this category. But if I look at the ratings I received here on photo.net I understand it is probably not that great...

    Any tips? Maybe something I could do in post-processing? I was for example thinking about using the puppet-warp in ps to change the position of the girl's arm, but I am not sure if this would help much

  2. I think the interest in this shot is given by the lights on the left that drive the attention to the child on the right. Also the sense of movement is strong. I agree it is a nice shot, maybe you could try to remove the yellowish light at the bottom. Not sure if it would improve the photo but its worth a try I would say

    Fuori dal tunnel.

    Mi piace molto la geometria di questa foto. Avrei forse preferito vedere meglio i dettagli della parte pi� in ombra in alto a destra, ma questo potrebbe anche essere un problema di calibrazione del monitor... Direi un 6/7
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