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Posts posted by sebastien_auger___quebec__

  1. I did check out the link and well.. it certainly seems to do what the name of it says.. shows it fast.


    As far as I�m concerned I�d like to create slideshows that blow away people. I�m not going to say that I�m the best, but I know enough and have spent enough time to recognize a slideshow that has been worked on like it should (a production). I don�t need to sell this service but a lot of people seem to be impressed by what I have done so far so I thought I�d see how other professionals feel about this. I�m not even sure that I want to do it for another photographer (a good slideshow is like a movie, and everybody has to be on the same wave lengths), but I can tell you that if I do it has to be worth it for me, and the photographer.. and so.. my conclusion after some thinking and getting comments from others: $100 yeah I�ll do a crappy show like the uncle Bob can do.. (and some people are quite happy with uncle Bob :). But if you want pro stuff it�s $300 to $800.

  2. Thanks for all your replies. Just wanna make a few clarifications here. First, yes I do use proshow producer.. it�s the best there is. But all my slideshows come on a real DVD with a regular DVD box, a nice picture on the box and on the actual DVD. It is viewable on any DVD player, and it also includes interactive menus, with possibility of adding videos, pictures and so on as a bonus. That takes care of the PC only issue. I did check out the pictureperfectslideshows website and� ouf.. I�m trying real hard to find a polite way to say what I think of their samples� I could do one like that with my eyes closed (and the eyes really do have to be closed to do one like that� *smirk*). At half their cost I would feel like a thief.. I would have thought more photographers would have seen the benefits of offering a �high quality� show as opposed to a �thrown in� show. So if I produced a show in the same quality as pictureperfectslideshows for a $100, this would be more attractive to some of you?? I�m not here to sell myself.. just want professional opinion. Thanks again.
  3. Hi there folks. I�m a junior wedding photographer and totally loving

    it. I�ve been getting rave reviews about my latest wedding slideshow

    so I�m thinking about doing it for other photographers as well.


    My latest show can be seen here and you are required to download the

    proshow photodex plugin:

    http://www.photodex.com/sharing/viewshow.html?fl=2593533&alb=0 .

    Comments appreciated on everything part of that show.


    Now this one took me a very long time to create, but I think that

    with more volume I could do similar work at a quicker pace.. hence

    making it worthwhile for me and for the photographer who would use

    my services. I�m thinking that I could do it for $300 US, which can

    be sold as part of a package or separately for $600 or more. How

    does that sound? Is it too much? Not enough?


    Now before you answer that some people do it for $50, please do

    watch the show. I don�t wanna boast but it�s quite something. I even

    got a �wow!� from Mark Ridout himself. I�d like to quantify the

    quality of my work.


    Your comments and thoughts are much appreciated on this.

  4. Informal weddings are often warmer than traditional weddings.. there is much good photo work that can be done. And I saw your picture.. you are beautiful! If I can�t marry you I have to be your wedding photographer!! :) All the best!
  5. With ProShow producer you can create a slide with unlimited pictures and effects in it.. which to me is imperative. Just as an example you can create a background picture that is moving, and on top have a white screen with a whole in it that gets wider.. tons of possibilities. You can also have pieces of puzzle moving. You can check my latest show and see what I mean.. you need to install the plugin though.

    http://www.photodex.com/sharing/viewshow.html?fl=2571611&alb=0 .

  6. If you still have a choice, buy Proshow Gold, if you have a choice and more money buy Proshow Producer.. The best in its kind. If you work on the slideshows (not just throw out pictures and music to a DVD) your brides will be crying of joy.. garanteed.
  7. After researching some more.. it seems that Pictobooks, Leather Craftsman, and Classic Album are top of the line photo books. Then comes Azuka and Cornerstone. This was from another forum. Any comments on that? I'm very tempted by Azuka.. thanks for suggesting it folks. I have no idea about pricing though. These places all require registration. I will try to post them when I find out.
  8. There are a bunch of companies that offer to create a magazine style

    wedding album.. I can do that too.. the layout and everything.. and

    this is what I want to offer my clients.. but I just want to find a

    place that can print it, and not create it.. I want top quality..

    and hopefully somewhat cheap.. I'm in Canada. Can somebody help?

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