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Image Comments posted by rlk121

  1. The architecture of the Dam is beautiful and so is the surrounding landscapes. It is very different from my neck of the woods (North East PA.) It looks modern yet at times I felt like I was back in the thirties. I like how you incorperated the boom into your shot. I was standing more to the left and cropped it out of mine. However, I like how it leads your eye into the picture. I plan on uploading my Hoover Dam pictures soon.

    take care


  2. Hi Jack

    I just came back from Vegas and the Hoover Dam and I have the same shot! Yours is better (lol) I like the color in yours, I had trouble in there with my exposure, I will have to touch it up a bit in Photoshop. Take care and thanks for sharing!





    I love this shot! She has the same look on her face that I would (lol)

    Great exposure and compostition too. Thanks for your comments on my picture. I really appreciate them.

    take care




    Thank You Lorenza,

    I just recently started shooting in b&w with the camera. However in this particular picture I made it b&w in ps. The story here is that this was one of the first photos I shot with my Rebel. It had a lot wrong with it. The white balance was off and there was a real harsh shadow behind him on the wall. So I decided to play around with it in ps.

    Just a few weeks ago I started actually shooting in the b&w mode on the camera and I am happier with the results. However I do not care for the sepia mode on the Rebel. Maybe if I play around with that more I can adjust the controls to work better for me.

    thanks again for your comment, Becky



    In This case I shot the picture in B&W mode on the camera. You get a better image doing that. I hear that Photoshop CS has some nice ways of desaturating without losing to much detail. I am still operating on 7.

    Thanks for your comment! I really appreicate your time and kind thoughts.


    Study of Texture


    Thanks for your comments. I agree with you. I followed your suggestions and I have reposted a new version of the photo. Your comments are appreciated greatly!

    Thanks, Becky




    Wonderful texture and color. Nice compostition too. I like how the yellow in the bottom left hand corner offsets the blue in the rest of the piece. Nice job!


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