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Posts posted by brettbrandon

  1. I think all you need to do is have rating like leaving a critique. No real names needed, jusy thier photo.net name. Then you can look at thier portfolio and see if they really know what they are talking about. Also, they may be afraid of incurring bad comments on thier portfolio for downing something they know nothing about. I think the rating system could be a good thing as long as they explain why they did or did not like the photo. A rating alone says nothing, but an explanation of the ratng would bring it merit. Maybe they just don't like birds and are only into nudes... Then I agree with earlier posts that a category system of rating would help. Let the bird lovers rate birds and the nude lovers rate nudes. Otherwise it's like asking a football fan about soccer.... Not their bag. What real worth can be attributed to thier input. Really hope this can be cleared up or my subscription will not be renued. I am a beginner trying to perfect the craft and you can get lots of ratings (good or bad) but rarely can you get actual advice on what you are doing right or wrong. Ratings alone don't tell you that. Hope this can be worked out. I have seen some of the best photography ever on this site, and at the same time seeing it recieve 3's. Maybe just not their bag? Maybe if we could see who's posting the 3's and look at their portfolio, we could feel more at ease.
  2. I don't know if this is revelant, but I am a begginer and the ratings don't tell me much of anything except you liked it or you didn't. If you are going to give a low rating, please tell me why. How else am I supposed to learn. I thought this is what part of this community is about. Also, if I get a high rating, I would like to know why so I can continue along that route. I have to agree that critique's are more valuable than ratings. At least to someone still trying to improve their skills.
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