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Image Comments posted by chadman

    American Goth

    Conservative Midwest Goths? Cliche or no it's still a good concept. Execution needs some help I think. That window in the background distracts by being a hole and not center between the couple. They do look out of place...on purpose? I think so. Where on earth would they look to be at home? I'd have rather seen a tall pitch fork with the narrower tines or at least edited out the handle. I'm still compelled to look at this work. Nice job sir. I hope to do work at least this good some day.
  1. GRAVITY! The tethered ropes needed a slight curve to them. Even the tightest of ropes curves under their own weight to some extent. The top of the ropes must account for the curve of the Orb as well. The ropes, as straight lines don't work well for us Engineer types. The eyes are drawn to things like that


    Beautiful idea though!

    Dabbling in 3D, I miss the dings and dents that the real world adds to things.

    I really do like this piece. Take this criticism as unworthy and minor.

    Help needed!!!


    Make a custom white gradient overly.

    My gradient formula was:


    Color white at:



    Transparencies at those locations set to:

    Opacity:5%,8%,34%,0% respectively


    This worked really well to get rid of you dark patch down the left of center. With some tweaking it would be perfect. Email me with your addy if you'd like to see my results or want me to send the grad to you.






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