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Image Comments posted by carl_rulis


    Very nice. Stong composition. Your eye is immediately drawn to the eye. Slight use of color enhances , not detracts. May even be stronger in B&W.
  1. Ryan, I was a commercial photographer for many years, now am semi retired, I now sometimes shoot wildlife here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. When I was younger and did a lot of darkroom work. I inevitably wound up with image techniques similar to yours. There is nothing wrong with that but with todays technology you have at your command the tools to take an image as this to the next level(s). Pete Turner, a N.Y.C, renowned photographer, spent a lot of time and money creating graphic images through a mechanical process. Now with the ease of Photoshop, one can transform this monotone photo into a very stiking graphic with just the use of color. i.e. green posterized duck against a vibrant blue. You have the tools just use your imagination. Carl Rulis
  2. Nasir, It reminds me of a painting I did in the mid 60's. The word then was CAMP. Wharhol and others worked with simple subjects, outragious color and large canvases to shock and gratify the art world. Today this artform is easier to create. Even though the the final image is not new to me it still works.

    Little League


    Stephanie, I usually quickly scan the photos up for citique and pick one that grabs my attention. Yours because of its simplicity and your willing to learn. Remember, given the opportunity, many photographers will tell you how he or she would reconstruct the photo. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they were not there to experience the quick discision making necessary to have taken this editorial photo. Everything must fall in place at 250th of a second; position, timing and composition and lighting. Still, their results may have resulted in a completely different image.


    How one crops can make or break a photo. In this case you may or may not have more of the men on your neg (total image) watching this young player (female?). I just found this juxtaposition interesting. You may or may not have realized their presence at the time. No matter. IF you shot lower (to get these spectators lower), IF you moved slight to her left (to crop out the car) and if you did some minimal dodging and burning... the photo would have a stronger impact on the viewers. Yes Photoshop can be used to enhance but do not use it as a crutch. A great photo has its start as a great image. Nothing should change that.

    Remember film, uh, megs are cheap. Shoot as many frames as you can at the same subject. Keep shooting, good work. CARL


    Kraig, you succeeded in getting my attention with your prose and your picture. Both were very well done. I am pretty sure that the photo, Pretty Sure, was a culmination of a beautiful day, a beautiful figure and a talented shooter, all falling together.
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