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Posts posted by lao_tong

  1. I did not see the discussion before I bought the opteka 0.45X wide angle and 2.2 tele. After I tested that the wide angle is about 0.8x.

    The tele is not realy 2.2x after comparing with a tele 2.0x I had. It definitly worse than 2.0 one. I am going to return them.

  2. Thanks Mark and Leszek for your response.

    I have a camera, KONICA MINOLTA DIMAGE Z6.

    I bought a wide angle lense from 47th St. Photo who said that is 0.45x one.

    When I tested that one, I found that the view is even much less the 0.6X one I had.

    If I take out macon lense, it seems double the view. But after remove the macro, the lense can not be attached to adapter.

    So I called 47th photo who told me there is no way you can use the wide angle without attaching the macro.

    I start check other seller with their 0.45x lense. The view showing in their picture is about doubled with macro.

    Now, I am really confused.

    If wide angle and macro are canceled each other, why some are working but the one I bought from 47th photo is not.

    I can not solve issue.

    I tried to remove the macro lense from wide angle one.

    But I am not sure it will work if it designed to work with macro.

    Do you think it will OK for me to remove the macro even I was told I have to use macro with that wide angle lense.

    Thaks for your help.

  3. I just bought a 0.45X wide angle from 47th Street Photo.

    The wide angle lense has to be used with a macro together.

    After I tested, the view was only 2 or 3 degree wide.

    Does any one know that is normal case?

    The wide angle lense and macron cancel each other.

    Does any one have same experience with aide angle lense?

    Does the wide angle have to be used with macro?

    Any help will be helpful.


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