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Posts posted by stephencooper

  1. make sure your focus mode isn't set to the single point AF, or if it is, that you have the center point selected as a previous poster pointed out. If you set it to one of the larger focus area selections you should be set.
  2. What I've noticed is that the count displayed on the camera is only approximate.


    As the camera approaches capacity, it stops ticking down one picture for every picture you take. I have only a 1 GB card, and although it says I can fit 112 photos on it, I got over 160 photos on it once. (quality priority). Things like large swaths of near uniform color, e.g. sky, get compressed more and the picture takes up less space.



  3. Thanks! Yes, Dad and the other Coopers did like the photos, but I was disappointed with them. You put your finger right on some key issues.


    Probably a more shallow depth of field would have helped the background issue. I should have directed people more into the shade for the shots. And I like your comment about the DMV photos. :-) Good critique. Thanks!

  4. Having seen similar posts and the great constructive feedback, I'd

    like to request a critique of my first (and so far only) wedding that

    I've shot. The cerimony was a bit unusual with the traditional

    wedding vows first, then some more "new age" rituals.

    The url for the photos is



    Since this was my dad's wedding, and the site is my private web site,

    the photo captions reflect this.

  5. Well, I too recently purchased a D-200, and was originally planning on shooting only RAW.

    However, since when you go to print you lose most of the advantages of 12 bits anyway and more importantly, my poor computer takes about 1 min to open a RAW file in photoshop, I'm opting for now to shoot jpg.


    Sigh - you buy a new camera and next thing you know you have to buy a new computer and printer. :-(

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