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Posts posted by samantha_bender

  1. What if you'd want to get out of budget weddings at some point? You're sorta stuck with that name if you pick it. Personally, I wouldn't choose it because I started off being a budget photographer (when I was photographing my first weddings) but within 1 1/2 years my business has grown to the point where I don't have to be a budget wedding photographer. At this point, I definintely don't want my name associated with the word budget but, at the beginning I would've about done anything to get business!! :)
  2. The big difference I've seen regarding digital prints is, almost all of my brides request photos with selective color, photojournalistic style and photos being retouched.

    Most brides find me as a photographer through word of mouth - friends tell friends.

    But, I have a degree in marketing and if you want to identify your market, you need to specifically choose the type of people to target (ie - bride's in their 20's with trendy style or brides in their 40s looking for a classic style) You should be able to specifically point out what your target market wants and what is the best way to reach that market. (ie - you most likely wouldn't reach the classic style bride by advertising in a super trendy salon.)

  3. I opened up my own business last October in a brand new town where I knew no one...my name got into the school system (it helps with my husband being a teacher and coach.) Put a few LARGE ads in the paper if you want people to notice you. I ran a 1/2 page ad in the paper this summer and booked quite a bit of business off of it. Don't do small, constant ads, people don't pay a ton of attention to them. Other ideas that have worked - partner wtih a hair salon, decorate their walls with your work for free - free art for them, business for you - or try to partnner with a bridal boutique!
  4. I opened up my own business last October in a brand new town where I knew no one...my name got into the school system (it helps with my husband being a teacher and coach.) Put a few LARGE ads in the paper if you want people to notice you. I ran a 1/2 page ad in the paper this summer and booked quite a bit of business off of it. Don't do small, constant ads, people don't pay a ton of attention to them. Other ideas that have worked - partner wtih a hair salon, decorate their walls with your work for free - free art for them, business for you - or try to partnner with a bridal boutique!
  5. Take the informal after the ceremony - everyone's much more relaxed by then. I do lots of shots of them all walking and laughing. I try to make it fun - I just ask them to line up, boy, girl, boy, girl, link arms and SLOWLY walk towards me looking around at each other and laughing because "it's just SO funny!" They all laugh - and then the shot usually turns out great!

    I think a big part of getting them to relax is relaxing yourself - usually, they'll get the idea and just have some fun!

    Another good idea is to ask them if they have any FUN ideas - I've gotten a few creative shots from the groomsmens crazy ideas!

  6. I've started to offer my wedding clients the opportunity to purchase their

    images on a CD or DVD. Often, I get asked by my brides if I include only my

    proofs on the CD or if it's most of the photos. We have been providing most of

    the photos, but it is so much work going back and editing (we crop them and

    play with the lighting) the photos that weren't proofs when they actually decide

    to purchase the CD - also, if the couple chooses a CD, then they can get 3 or 4

    CD's of images because there are so many!

    It would be so much easier if we could only provide the proofs on the CD...do

    any of you photographers offer only proofs if they purchase the CD?


  7. Yes - had the problem with a D200 - but, if you let Nikon know if you're not happy about having to pay shipping for a second time, they'll usually send you a UPS label for free shipping. Keep an eye on that D200 for banding too - that's been a common problem.
  8. I just received an email from a person from the UK (I live in the US) -

    apparently he is having an event he'd like me to photograph about an hour or two

    away from where I live in a few months...but, here's the catch.

    He says he can only pay me with a Cashier's check months before the event even

    takes place. The cashier's check will be made out for at least $3,000 more than

    I am charging him - I am supposed to cash the check and send the extra $3,000 by

    way of Western union money transfer to his traveling agent, so he can buy him a

    ticket to come over here.

    Honestly, in my gut this feels like it might be a scam - I told him I'd only

    accept cash but he insists on cashier's checks and money orders...and I think

    I've heard about money order and cashier's checks being part of a scam.

    If you have any advice or experience on this, I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you!

  9. I have a degree in marketing - which I have found extememly useful in running my own photography business. The only ad I would put in the Yellow pages is the smallest possible. With the use of the internet lately, there is no way that the Yellow pages readership exceeds that of the internet (at least for an art as visual as photography.) But, if someone does look there, they'll see your name.

    Also, I have had an overwhelming response to my business w/o an ad in the Yellow pages I only have the smallest ad possible in the local phone book - and my phone number is printed wrong! Just try to attract a few good clients, treat them as best as possible, give a great product and the referrals will come in. Word of mouth is the best advertising possible - and it's pretty much free!

  10. The banding has been fixed - and honestly, I'm not sure where my sample pics are since this is no longer a problem. But, yes, it is a big deal on a $1,600 camera - banding should not be present.

    Focusing - I've tried almost every setting present - including manual. The focusing is EXTREMELY inconsistent but, the reps at the Nikon service center agree there is a problem.

    My problem is that I don't want to keep sending it in for repair - I have a backup but still this is my main body and I need my camera!

  11. Some of you may have read my post on 6/13 about my D200 being sent in for color

    banding and poor autofocus. Well, I finally got my camera back last week - did

    some shoots and thought all was good. Took the D200 to a wedding this past

    weekend and guess what - the camera started having the SAME focus problems

    during the shoot. Ok, I've had enough of this - and it's about time for Nikon

    to get it right (this will be my THIRD time sending it in for repair since

    January!) Any advice about how to handle this with Nikon?

    Thank you in advance!

  12. Just wondering how much time you all usually set aside to work with the bride

    and groom typically at a wedding. I usually take a short period of time to add

    in some formals to my regular photojournalistic style (almost always requested

    by the B&G). But, I was just at a wedding where the photographer took a TON of

    time with the B&G - their style was definitely traiditonal, posed shots - LOTS

    of posed shots. I'm wondering though, what's the trend today? How long do you

    usually work with the B&G?


  13. I do have a backup body - but I still think their service is poor. I just spoke with a manager there who basically just apologized for the slow check in time. Still have to wait until tomorrow to hear on the repair status (online doesn't really tell you much.)
  14. Purchased my D200 in January. Was dissappointed to see dead pixels and banding

    but wasn't too surprised because of all the talk of it - sent it in to be

    repaired last month and got it back. But, I kept on having focus problems with

    the camera, and basically every time I called Nikon, they said it was a user

    problem. Finally, I took matters into my own hands, did some focus tests and

    discovered what I thought all along was true - the camera focuses incorrectly.

    (Nikon finally agreed.) In addition, color banding (vertical red, blue and green

    lines run across some of my images) was starting to happen. Being a full time

    wedding and portrait photographer, I was pretty frustrated having to send in my

    camera again so soon, so I sent in a letter describing my frustration with my

    camera - and I spoke with a Nikon rep. who sent me a priority mailing label so I

    could ship it free and get it repaired with priority. Well, I tracked my

    shipment with UPS and NIkon received the camera at 8:57am on 6/7. So, I sent a

    bunch of emails to Nikon, trying to get my repair # so I can track the repair

    myself. All of the emails were unanswered. So, I called in yesterday to get the

    number. Once I got it, I went online and saw that NIkon said they didn't

    receive the camera until YESTERDAY (6/12) I have been told by EVERYONE I've

    spoken to that it takes 24 hours for them to check in a camera. This was 72

    business day hours. This is absolutely ridiculous. I called NIkon and the

    service rep. said she'd try to check on my repair and get back to me tommorrow.

    But, I am just so fed up with NIkon right now. Any advice? Any old Canons for

    sale?! (Never thought I'd say that.) Thanks in advance.

  15. Wow - if the bride would let you - you could get some fantastic shots of her actually on the horse. It could really be beautiful - but most of the brides I've known wouldn't be up for it - but, then again, they weren't horse owners! If she'll let you, give it a try!
  16. I don't normally shoot this far away from the subject (actually, I like my photos to be quite close) this is just an experiment to add variety to the shoot - I've actually had quite a bit of success with this type of shooting (more art pieces to hang on the wall) but, here it didn't turn out as well and I was wondering why.
  17. Michael,

    f 7.1 1/125th of a second, automatic focus. Nikkor Lenses: 80-200 f 2.8 and DX 18-70. I shot JPEG - but, before you all trample me with RAW praises - I am planning to purchase more CF cards ASAP - so can shoot RAW constantly and I don't run into this problem again. Now, that you all mention it, it really does look like sharpening - I will investigate further.

    Thanks to those of you who tried to help!

    Andre - your comment really was quite pointless. I'm just trying to understand a fairly new camera better - trying to get the best I can out of my equipment - and trying to learn from others.

  18. I am currently shooting with a D200 - and have been getting images lately that

    aren't crisp lately - and I think I need some advice. Ok, in the controlled

    conditions of my home, my images usually turn out great. The problem comes in

    when I am outdoors, moving around, and usually using fill flash. I'll post an

    example of what I'm not happy with below. In figure 1, the image looks great,

    small. But, in figure 2, I've zoomed in to show the couple and I just really do

    not like the way they look - they don't look crisp and really look digital

    (can't put my finger on the word I'm looking for here - I guess they just don't

    look like film!)

    Any advice you have would help. Thanks!

  19. I delivered a completely finished 11x14 framed print to one of my brides last

    week. She had previously approved this print was excited to see the finished


    Anyway, I just got a call today and she asked me if I could retouch the photo

    for her. (She doesn't know this but her framed print has actually been

    completely edited - I took the two of them off a different photo and put them on

    another location I liked better from their wedding.) Anyway, for me to do this

    extra retouching she's asking for (replacing part of her dress) it would take me

    quite a while - and I'm swamped with other projects right now.

    I was wondering what you all would do in this situation? Would you charge her

    the full price for the new print? Would you charge her a fee to retouch it?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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